Which do you think she prefers? Was it the big pink bow?? or the white little bonnet?? I know that this is a question that is in everyone's mind. When I was visiting with her I of course tried both. First I took out the bows. She was standing in front of me and watched me unsnap the bow from the holder. She is a very curious baby I can not stress that enough. I took the big old bow and snapped in into her hair on the top of her head.
Before my hand was 1/2 an inch away from the bow she had it out of her hair and handed it to me. We repeated this for about 5 minutes. I then thought maybe she just thinks this one is a little too big. So I took out the small little bows and started to snap them into her hair. She was even more curious with the small little bow. The best I can explain it is you could see in her eyes she was processing the thing. She watched me unsnap it and when it made that little clicking noise her eyes looked surprised each and every time. Then she followed my hand with her eyes to the top of her head. The minute she heard the click her little thumb and pointer finger went directly for the bow without wavering and out the bow came.
Even when I snapped the bow in my own hair her little tiny fingers plucked it out of my hair too. Okay everyone she looked at me like I was crazy lady putting this bow in my hair. Don't worry everyone I will teach her that the bows are a good thing. I can be convincing you know.
So now you ask about the bonnets. I had two different ones in a zip lock bag in her tote. I waited till she took out the bag. The bonnets are actually flat and then the string in the back is drawn up to close the back. So I pulled the back ribbon to close the back of the bonnet all under her careful observation. On the bonnet went all of a sudden I heard a bunch of chatter in the corner where the Director, Social worker and 2 agency worker were having tea. They came right over to see the bonnet.
I think that was their way of approving of the bonnet. At first she (like an expert) used the 2 handed maneuver to the back of her head and forward motion to get the bonnet off. But after much fussing over her with the bonnet on not only by me but by everyone else who by the way I think were really surprised I had a bonnet for her she kept it on.
At one point she even brought it back to me to put on her. So there you have it she preferred the bonnet over the bow.
School Days - August - December 2024
2 months ago
I love it!!! I can just picture her taking her little fingers and taking the bow off. How cute. I think I might just have to get some bonnets for us to take on our trip. Won't be as cute as yours...but now, I am on a mission to find some! :o) I am so glad you had a great time visiting with her, and so glad everything worked out in Moscow...what a blessing.
I totally LOVE the bonnet story--will have to find some or make some to take whenever we get to go. I'm so glad that you are home now, and getting ready to head back to get her!
Love it too! The best part is that you can use bonnets while she is little and then switch to bows as she gets older! As you know, I'm a big fan of bows!! Of course, I never had a daughter young enough for bonnets. I cannot wait to see pictures!
How fun that the staff loved the bonnets too!!
SO FUN! I'm sure those old-school Russians absolutely LOVED the bonnet!
I can't wait to see her in it!
ooooh, I can't wait to see photos of the bonnet! Lexi's hair was so fine (and still is) that even the smallest bows just slid right out.
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