Monday, March 2, 2009

12 Inches Maybe More!

This morning I woke up to about 12 inches of snow. I have always loved the snow but now that I associate it with Little Banana I love the snow even more. Dottie is and has always been a little unsure of the snow. The snow was so deep in the back yard that it was up to her knees and elbows.

Tonight I am a little worried. I hope to get some news tomorrow about possible travel dates. I know that this is all in God's hands and I am willing to let God take care of it all. Tonight I am praying that I will hear good news tomorrow.


Nicole Brueck said...

Sending prayers you get the news you have been so waiting for tomorrow (today?)

Big Hugs!
Nicole in MN, that kind of snow is normal. :)

Carrie said...

So hoping you hear good news soon!