Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 Weeks down

So I am into the wait 3 solid weeks since I last saw Little Banana. I know it sounds crazy but ever since I started this process I have always counted the wait according to weeks not months. In my personal calenders it is all maked off according to weeks.

This method has helped me so now I will inflict it on to all of you guys who read this blog. I think the counting in weeks comes from all the time that I spend at work, we talk about pregnancies in weeks and days not months.

The funny thing is I have asked for a vacation day in May so that I can have an uninterrupted time frame for finishing touches to her room. When I asked Lynn (the one who does the schedule) for the day off I looked at her plan sheets to my amazement she had my wait counted out in weeks also.

That made me laugh because the minute I saw her notes in the corner of her plan sheets I knew exactly what they meant. Everyone at work is so excited for me. I could not be happier. The support that I feel from all my friends at work is overwhelming in a good way.

I am keeping busy. Very busy. Tons of shopping but alas no grocery shopping yet. Maybe Saturday. I have so many things to post about I am working on it.

5 comments: said...

Waiting. . .it is an act of patience. You have got it, girl! You're in my prayers.

Amy, Jeff, LM, SC, & Ashton said...

Joy!! I've been following your blog a while and am so happy for you and Gerard and of course your furry ones! I pray for you that that weeks will go by quickly, and that you'll be united with your little gal soon!! Amy

jaimejaimelynnlynn said...

i like counting in weeks too! months have those 1/2 weeks in there that would add up to a 13th month.... anyways I know time will fly by it seems like just a few weeks ago it was Septemeber and it's actually been 32 weeks!!

Carey and Norman said...

It is always good to see weeks go by as you wait. I know how ready you are to bring your little one home and each day gets you closer!

Looking forward to seeing her room too!

Dana Doctor said...

Wow, 3 weeks. I haven't seen you since you have been back. This is so exciting. I hope the time goes quickly, but then slows down when she is with you.