Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bed or Crib? ***Edited to include a picture***

Well last week Jaime and I went to Ikea because she wanted to buy a few things. I broke the news to her that she is now banned from traveling farther then an hour from the hospital. She is getting too far along to be that far away. As a result we had to make a second lap around Ikea to make sure that she got everything that she wanted.

I have been tossed between a toddler bed and a crib that converts to a toddler bed. Gerard and I had thought that we would put her crib in my room for at least a couple of weeks until she is used to being here.

I think co-sleeping for attachment is not a bad thing and really I can see it as doable for me because of our schedules. I only will consider co-sleeping because it would just be her and I. Even though she is small she is big enough for me to not mistake her for a pillow.

Lets get honest my house is small. I love the fact that it is small house so I know I will hear her in her room. I am very torn. I guess once she is here I will make the final decision.

Back to the bed. I found this bed that is a toddler bed that converts to a regular twin size bed. It is actually 3 different sizes so it will grow with her. The bed is a creamy white iron bed. I have no fear of her falling out of it because it is pretty low to the ground. I have no fear of me falling out of it and breaking my foot (True Story) so I think we will be safe if I have to lay down with her at night.

**Disclaimer** If your child is an infant and you want to co-sleep PLEASE use a safty device. Accidents happen and usually the results are devastating.


beth Hurley said...

I would go with bed. WHen my son came home from China he was 22 months old. he lasted in the crib that was n my room for maybe 3 nights. He loved the crib in the hotels in CHina and he HATED the one I had. I had a twin bed already so I just put it against the wall and bought a side rail. Some nights he still sneaks out ( no more siderail he is 3 and a half) and ends up in my room but no crying or fighting about getting into the bed. Beth

Melissa said...

Mike and I weren't sure what to do at first. We actually bought a crib in December before we even had a referal (that came in May). We knew the age range so we thought a crib would be fine. We bought one at Baby Depot that turns into a toddler bed and then a full sized bed. Colby is a little older than we had hoped but he is still in the crib. The kids are used to cribs so he is quite comfortable and he feels secure. He is turning 2 this month. We'll probably convert it in a few months. We never thought about cosleeping because we had 1 night in Ekat where we were all in 1 bed and he tossed and turned so much both Mike and I were getting kicked or punched. Colby ends up upside down or sideways every night. One night we found him actually sitting up in the corner of his crib. Crazy boy!
Melissa said...

Aidan was 22 months when we came home. He was still in a crib in the orphanage so we stayed with the crib. I think they stay in a crib until they are close to 4 in Russia, which is when they move out of the Baby Home to a regular orphanage. Aidan was fine in the crib and in his room on his own--I have a monitor I still use every night and during nap! We converted to a Toddler bed at Thanksgiving, when we had been home 7 months and Aidan was 2 1/2. Again, he is fine. We'll probably look at big boy beds in late summer or early fall.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I think the crib is a good choice. All of mine felt very safe and secure in the crib when they came home and didn't move out until they were around 3 and that was because I was ready to tear it down..not because they wanted to move out of it.

Our new little one is sleeping in a pack and play next to our bed so that I can be there for her if she wakes up...but we will move her to her crib in a week or so.

I hope you hear something soon regarding court..I know you are probably going crazy....

Hang in there! It will be soon!!!

MBKimmy said...

We have a convertable crib for both of our children - it goes from a crib - daybed - to full bed. We are getting ready to switch Tatum to her day bed - I will let you know how it goes -

Do you know what she sleeps in now?! I would suggest a convertable bed - the closed in feeling of the crib is a comfort to babies/children and maybe that will help her make the transition smoothly!

As for co-sleeping Tatum is 22 months and has only been in our bed 1 time. She had the flu and I couldn't keep running to her room every time she said OH NO Mommy ... so I put her in our bed - she is not a snuggler she LOVES her bed and often askes to go night night before bed time. She has been sleeping 7 - 7 since she was 2 months old!
NOW ... our son (8 months) comes to our bed at least 2 night a week. He is NOT a good sleeper and it is either bring him to our bed or NO ONE sleeps. I need to tell you that when he is in our bed neither Andy or I sleep well. I am so nervous he will fall off that I can't sleep.

With all of that being said I suggest a crib or convertable bed - it iwll help her feel secure. As for putting that crib in your room - you will have to take it apart to move it and it is always harder to break a habit of comfort than to make them deal with the uncomfort for the first week or so.

Good luck no matter what and I will continue to pray for you all!

ko said...

I would go with what she was sleeping in at the baby home. My daughter was 26months when we brought her home and sleeping in a toddler type bed. We did the same thing and it helped out great! Good luck.

Kellie said...

I am having the same dilema in my mind. Hope is almost 20 months old. We have her room set up with a twin bed with a trundle. We can't decide if we should buy a crib, pack and play or just put her in her bed with a side rail.

Sorry I have no real advice...just know you are not alone in this choice. :)

Hope you get the call soon! I am keeping my fingers crossed we hear something very soon too.


Troy and Rachel said...

We also used a crib and still do. It's nice to have them contained because that what he was used too. Being so overwhelmed at first, if we had tried a bed, I think it would have been a nightmare!

Amy said...

I had the same question. I found out she was in a crib in the baby home -- so I kept the crib. She doesn't mind it and it works really well because she hasn't figure out how to get out of it yet! I didn't buy one - my neighbors let me use theirs, so I didn't have to buy one but if I did I would have prefered one that was convertible... but crib is my vote!

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

I love your nursey disclaimer! Good for you.

Nicholas would NOT co-sleep with us - still won't. It's weird to him and feels like play time. I will be so interested to hear if your bean is a co-sleepin' lovin' kiddo! That would be fantastic for attachment purposes. But, don't despair if she won't - there are other fantastic attachment opps :)

We did have Nicholas in our room in a portable crib for ~8 months and I'm so glad we did. He really dealt with night terrors and it was good to be right there with him.

He's now in a crib that was converted to a toddler bed and is handling it like a champ (though it's been a bit of an adjustment - I'll update about this experience one of these days!).

The convertible beds are so pragmatic. I love that you found one that could grow with her.

I cannot wait until she's sleeping under your roof!!


Carey and Norman said...

We didn't switch to a twin bed until our son was almost 3. I liked the fact that he was more confined in a crib. He didn't climb over until almost 3, so we didn't see a need to switch. I think you will be fine with either decision you choose.

By the way, ours is a crib that converts to a toddler bed and then to a full bed. We opted for a twin (as my parent's already had the frame and headboard). I think there are so many options that you can pick exactly what you want!

Amy said...

Our little ones always came home and went into a crib. They also went straight into their bedroom. Our oldest went into a twin just shy of his 3rd b-day. Two weeks home, our youngest started climbing out of the crib so we got him a crib tent. I too like that it's a safe place for them.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

I guess I'll leave my two cents too :)

I was so against co-sleeping before Owen came home. We co-slept a little in Russia--any time he would wake up and rock or bang his head on the pack-n-play/crib, I would pick him up and rock him and lay him in my arms beside me holding him really close. He wouldn't face me, but he did go back to sleep without banging his head or rocking.

We waited a whole year before allowing Owen into our bed. Looking back, I would have done it a lot sooner. I was always afraid of letting him sleep with us and then having to teach him to sleep alone or that we might rollover onto him (he really was big enough this wouldn't really have been an issue though). He had a surgery done in June at one year home, and he had terrible night terrors for weeks afterward. We continued to always put him to bed in his crib at night, but if he woke during the night and was upset, we'd bring him to our room and hold him. This has improved his attachment by leaps and bounds, and we saw changes almost immediately. He loved waking up and seeing me there (which was a big change for him).

I would start with a crib or one that transitions to a toddler bed/full bed so that she can always go to sleep in her own room but then if she wakes up I would rock her back to sleep and/or bring her to your bed. I am a big champion of securing that attachment attachment attachment and getting rid of those self-soothing orphanage behaviors! :)

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

love that bed by the way :)

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

I vote for crib too. Our first 3 boys got kicked out of their crib by 18 months to make room for a new brother. It was a real pain trying to teach a toddler to STAY in bed at night (and also not fall out in the middle of the night.) But our 4th son stayed in his crib until he was over 3. By the time he asked for a big boy bed, he knew exactly what to do.

Lexi is currently in a portable crib in our room. I want her to see my face first thing every morning. She loves it and even asks to get in her bed when she is really tired. We actually have a toddler bed set up in her own room, but she just uses it as a trampoline right now. There's no way she would sleep in it at this point.

As for co-sleeping. Every child is different. We have never encouraged it, but if a little one sneaks in at night, they are always welcomed. Our youngest used to end up in our bed at two nights a week. Some nights we may end up with 2 or 3 kids in our bed. If Martin and I knew that we were going to have so many kids when we bought our bedroom furniture, we would have splurged for a California King. When seven people pile into a Queen size bed there are knees and elbows everywhere you turn. Great for bonding, not so much for sleeping!