Living in South Jersey fishing is a big sport.Yes there is a North and South Jersey and the funny thing is for such a little state there are quite a few differences between those who are from North Jersey and those who are from South Jersey. I do not live close to where the "Housewive of New Jersey" live. I live in a regular folk portion of New Jersey.
In South Jersey our hair is not nearly as big. The division line between North and South Jersey is just above where I work so it is funny. I actually grew up as a little girl in Florida and did not come to New Jersey until I was in the 4th grade so I have always wanted to be a Southern girl. Wow am I way off topic.
Back to fishing, Gerard calls me today to ask me
Gerard "Do you think she will caught a fish next year?"
Me "Well, I do not know"
Then the conversation went to "Does she have to have a pink fishing pole?" According to him pink is her favorite color. Part of the reason why is because he saw a pink pole at the sporting goods store. I of course have always insisted on fishing with pink lures so I guess he figures she will too.
What cracks me up is that she is only 18 months old right now so this time next year she will be a whopping 30 months old or 2.5 years old. I am not really sure that she will have the same level of fishing skill and determination as he has. I guess he just wants to be prepared you can not blame him for trying.
I love these types of phone calls. I hope he never stops calling me with fun stuff like that.
School Days - August - December 2024
1 month ago
I love those questions/calls, too. They can be so charming and sweet when it comes to little girls...
That's great!! Tell him of course she needs a pink rod!! I love to fish with colored plastic worms and I always choose the girlie colors although my rod is green! I'm sure your little one will love to fish!!
That is so funny. I just set our DVR to record Housewives of New Jersey, don't judge me.
I think it is safe to get the pink fishing rod. That is so sweet he is planning to do so much with little banana.
Aww how sweet. You know he's sitting there thinking of her during the day.
And yes, of course she needs pink everything!!
How funny. We just had a similar conversation. Mike insists that Colby will want ot go fishing with him and Grandpa this year. Colby of the I'm just turning 2 and don't sit still type. Yeah I can see it now. Mike is so ready for Colby to get into the big boy stuff. I have to keep reminding him that he is only just 2. As for pink or green....I'd choose green. But I'm not much on girlie girl colors.
Hi Joy- I found your blog a while back through Adrienne's blog. There are many times I have wanted to comment and it seems as if I talk myself out of commenting. I just want to say I think you and Gerard are great parents (I know little banana is still in Russia, you are already her parents) I look forward to your updates and I adore your writing style. I will try to comment more, if you think I am not being too stalkerish. :)
Joy: This is simply the beginning. When little banana is here with you and Gerard, you will continue to fall more in love with him as you see them together. It truly is remarkable. Everyday, as my love grows more and more for K, it grows more and more for JD. I never thought it could be possible!
I wouldn't trade this process for anything. Enjoy every moment and it's true, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
We bought Aidan a fishing pole before we brought him home. . .he is almost 3 and it is still in the packaging! But, I am sure he will go out with Daddy soon to try to "catch" something! He'll probably want to wear his camoflage--which you can get in pink, by the way, at Cabelas!
She might have the skill, might have the "passion" for fishing, but the PATIENCE, LOL.....I doubt it! They get very bored very fast when those fish just don't jump on the hook right away with every cast!
And I laugh, because at my "old" age, I barely have the patience for fishing myself!
Joy: I wanted to ask you, when you had to get an extension for the I-171H did you have to get re-fingerprinted? I mailed the letter in asking for an extension with my $$, but now I received in the mail an appointment date to get re-fingerprinted. Is this right?
Joy this story just totally warmed my heart.
There's something totally adorable about an excited daddy. I think it's really special that he called you up to ask about fishing. It shows he's just as excited as you are.
I think it goes without saying really that soon to be mom's spend their days dreaming about all the things they're going to do with their child when he/she arrives but when you hear of a daddy doing it too it's just so sweet. Reminds us that they're really big softies underneath their tough exteriors.
I hope the days are passing more and more quckly for you Joy! I can't wait to see her and to learn her name.
P.S. Gerard clearly thinks your daughter is blessed with patience beyond her years. A toddler fishing? Bless his heart!
I love it :o) Tell him to get the pink fishing rod, it just might be a couple of years before she's ready to really use it! He is so sweet, always thinking about his little girl who loves pink.
And you really do belong in the South!!
Uncle G wants another fishing buddy, and Greg thinks I'm brewing him a video game, walking the woods buddy. Guys are so cute when they have special requests on 'things they want to do with the lil one!'
I've seen those pink rods, they are so adorable, did you know they also make red mickey mouse ones, and pink disney princess ones (sold at walmart!)
my oldest daughter loved to fish with her daddy when she was little. banana will have lots of good times with her daddy fishing! :) definately a pink pole!
That is a sweet story...already Daddy's girl. I've enjoyed following your adoption journey.
I connected with this story from a granmom's view of our little one's grandad & his excitement about our grandson. We have 4 grown children and during their growing-up-years, my husband rarely stepped foot into a toy department. One day, we ran in WalMart for one item (4 months after we became grandparents to the most precious little fella our daughter & son-in-law -Melissa & Nathan - adopted from Russia) and as I was walking through the store, I turned around to tell my husband something & he wasn't there. I backtracked & found him at the entrance where they had all the little bikes and he was checking them out trying to decide which one Iliya would need in the not-to-distant future. We can walk through Home Depot, and he invariably finds something to buy that will spark Iliya's interest. It's a delight to see the happiness children bring into our lives. Not that we have to buy them things, but that we anticipate spending time with them in sharing the things we find for them to enjoy. I can't tell you how many bouncy balls we have here for those cherished visits. And every time we see one while shopping, we add it to his collection for that next visit to granmom & grandad's.
We look forward to hearing good news for when your little one comes home.....may your reunion be soon!
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