So as we dirty the laundry it get put in a bag and taken to her house only to be returned fresh clean, folded and all ready to put away. EXCEPT when you have a 2 year running around. I did not get to the putting away as fast as she got to the putting on. I could not resist taking a picture of this.
You have to have a couple of these photos around anyway.
Other things that she is facinated with is shoes. She thinks that I should be wearing them and he should not be. Which is quite funny because I never wear shoes and he always wears shoes. The other day when he came home she helped him off with his shoes and socks. I'm not sure I have ever seen his feet of wait once about 3 years ago. Then she took his socks and promptly put them on and walked away. I thought I was the only one that did stuff like that it him. Hmmm
Yes that is her first offical boo boo. She fell off the bed and hit her face on the way down. I felt awful for many reasons. I know that you can not be there every step of the way and this kind of stuff will happen but she never even let out a peep.
I made a big deal over it. When Gerard saw it I think it sunk in that we have work to do. Even he agreed that she should have cried. I have since purchased a monitor with a T.V. screen so that I can watch her when she sleeps.
Very cute photos, minus the boo boo. Ouch! I can't say Colby's tried those on but he loves walking around wearing our shoes. They really are adorable at this age!
Sweet!! Aidan fell down the stairs the first day we were home. . .gates went up everywhere. . .don't worry that doesn't cry. It will happen! And when it does, the whining will start, too and you'll miss the early, quieter times. : ) Enjoy!
Yes, I will come.
I just have to say that when I read your posts now...I can just "feel" the happiness in them!
The pictures are too cute! except I think the underwear needs to be on her head! ha.
at least that's where my kids put funny.
Too funny! Thanks for posting pictures.
Look at that cute belly - minus the underwear wrapped around her! HA HA!! Don't stress over the boo boo - many more to come no matter how hard you try!
I've read & heard something similar about shoes many times from other adoptive parents of Russian children - and it has certainly held true with ours as well. Some speculate that this is because the kids quite often have to share shoes at the orphanages. Dunno, but they do love their shoes!
Love the underwear photo....definitely some ammunition for later in life....maybe when the boyfriends start coming around!
Is she sleeping in a crib? Was she sleeping in a crib in the baby home?
Hope she heals up soon, ouch!
Ahhh the no cry days. I suspect that like in many of the baby homes she was likely chided for crying (when she did). T rarely made a peep when she "hurt" herself (falls, etc) when she first came home. Now it's the TOTAL reverse - over drama queen!
I think part of the issue you'll see is that many of kids are also more "clumsy" because they weren't exposed to a bigger world. That was the hardest thing to get used to. Ppl will probably think you are too protective - but until she learns to take those precautions herself... it is necessary!
Such sweet photos. I agree with everyone with the crying; it will come. The 1st week home Bruiser got his finger stuck in a door. He never made a peep and if my mom didn't see him who knows how long he would have stood there.
She is a beautiful girl even with a boo boo. ;-)
So funny... doesn't she realize how much Gerard cherishes his underwear! LOL. Gerard is on his way to being a changed man.
love the laundry attire!
I love how she is layering clothes. What a fantastic look, hehe! What a cutie. I think she really likes her Daddy :)
I could have written that exact same post. Lexi is constantly putting on her brother's underwear (clean or not), she makes sure that eveyone in the house has shoes, AND she did a backward flip off my bed her first week home! She didn't cry then either. You are right to make a big deal of it with lots of hugs and kisses. It won't take long for her to start looking for you to comfort when booboos happen. It was at least a month for Lexi. But now... oh, the DRAMA!
P.S. I love her cute little belly!!!
Its so much fun for me to see little anna just play and be happy she is such a sweet little girl and i just love hoe she looks for you the minute you are out of her sight and boy did she make me laugh when she directed gerard to take off his shoes and soxs how funny is that my heart is just overweld with love for you and your family mom
that monitor is a must!
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