Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The quilt is done and shipped to Adrienne

Quilting has been a passion of mine for many years. I remember the first time I started a quilt it was during my first break during college. Sewing has always been a stress reliever for me. I never did finished that first quilt but I did learn a lot about quilting. That was over 19 years ago.

When I first started to realize that I was not going to get pregnant about 10 years ago I started to take professional quilting lessons. At first it was a way for me to sit quiet and not feel sorry for myself. I am not sure when sewing a couple of pieces of fabric together changed from an escape to pleasure. In my other house I had a room dedicated to sewing. I would sew 15 to 30 minutes everyday. This house is a bit smaller but I will find that place here too.

As most who quilt will tell you I have quite a few projects that are almost finished. When I fell and broke my arm I was distressed to say the least. I opened my closet where I keep my quilt tops and this one jumped out at me. At the time I had no idea why it was so important to start the finishing process of this quilt. I even did some of the trimming with my left hand.

Now I do know the reason. Some times things are not relieved right away but we must follow the path that is part of God's plan. Just like it was not part of the plan for me to give birth, it is part of the plan that this quilt go to Adrienne, Jim & Owen so it can help bring Lily home.

I fell in love the fabrics of the 1930's. They are fun and made me smile. That is what it is about for me. Every quilt that I have ever made with the exception of my first quilt I have given away.

I find it very interesting that this quilt was started as a way for me to work through my feeling of not getting pregnant and now it is going to a person who has also had difficulty maintaining a pregnancy. Very interesting. Once the winner is drawn it will go to a person who will also become part of Adrienne and my journey to become Mothers.

Some have been finished fast and others have needed the right person to show up for it to be given too. I remember sitting in my dining room sewing fast and furiously a pink and green quilt for Adrienne and Jim for the child that I had encouraged them to adopt last November. On the label I left a couple of blanks for the name and birth date. I had written in the month November. I have always thought that if Adrienne were given the gift to parent a little girl I could remove that label and replace it with a different one if she liked, if she would be okay looking at that quilt.

I have now finished the quilt that I posted about last week. I love it. I hope and pray that the one who wins this quilt will love it too. If not for the quilt but for what it signifies. I hope and pray that this quilt will remind the person who wins it of the gift that they have helped to give Adrienne and Jim. I beautiful little girl named Lily.

Here are the pictures!!!


Melissa said...

I love that quilt. I would feel honored to have it in my house. Maybe I'll win it! You are truly gifted!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Just gorgeous!!! Love the story behind it as well...

Carey and Norman said...

Beautiful! Such a sweet gift and even sweeter story behind it!!

Amber said...

what a great job you have done on the quilt!

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

You are truly talented, Joy! I LOVE it. My mom is a quilter, too and can certainly relate to the 'almost finished' stash. It will be so cool for your little banana to have a mama who quilts. My mom made Nicholas' quilt - so so special.


Carrie said...

Wow! It is beautiful!

sunset pines farm said...

Beautiful quilt, great story, and a testimony of a wonderful friendship...whoever wins this will be totally thrilled, I am sure.
Dixie sends sniffs and licks to Dottie. We hope she feels better and we pray she is around for many many years to come.

Laura said...

Joy -- the quilt is beautiful and reflects not only the love you have for Adrienne, Jim and Owen but also the support for such a wonderful cause -- to bring Lily home.

Good job!

Nicki said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love quilting, and I've eyed a similar pattern for a long time. Maybe when my little boys are bigger boys...

mindibz said...

The quilt is gorgeous!

kate said...

I want this quilt!!

It's beautiful and full of loving good-wishes.