Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Home 4 weeks ***Edited to add a picture***

Oh the girl LOVES glasses!

I can hardly believe that we have been home 4 weeks today. It was not until I looked at my blog that I realized that today is Wednesday. I have always had a hard time with what day of the week it is and usually end up asking some one at least once or twice.

The last 2 days I spent with my sister and her little man Sloan who is just 4 months younger then Anna and a whole lot bigger. It is too funny to see them play together. Seeing Anna with other kids has been wonderful. Today was my Mother's birthday and we all hung out. More on that another time.

I fear that most of what I have written about recently has seemed quite negative. I would say that processing all the thoughts and feelings that I have right now has been difficult. Actually more difficult then I ever thought it would be. With that being said I hope that I am going to start to coast a bit now. Anna fell asleep early tonight okay so I cheated and kept her out late then drove an extra lap around the block but does that matter?

Here are some things thNumbered Listat I have noticed that Anna does now and did not do when we first came home.

  1. Fake cry. Yup she has mastered the art of a fake cry to get my attention. It started about a week ago one night when we were in her room playing. Then my niece Jaime came over with her son Hans and the next day we played faked cry most of the day.

  2. When she wants to point at some thing she grabs my pointer finger and uses it as a pointer.

  3. The door bell scared her. Sounds funny but she was like 'What is that noise?' Now she enjoys playing with the door bell and /or any other button or switch.

  4. She says 'Tickle, Tickle, Tickle' This is the funniest because when she first came to me that is how I got her to smile. Then it progressed to her tickling herself, then me and now her baby dolls.

  5. She shows love to her babies. She will walk up to me and pretend cries like it is them crying then she looks for me to comfort them. So I do then I pick her up and do the same thing to her.

  6. Today is the first day that she has fallen asleep laying next to me at nap time the whole time she looked me square in the eye.

  7. She LOVES apple cider vinegar. I know I read something about this an attachment but for the life of me I can not remember what it meant so if you know please throw me a bone and tell me.

Tonight she ate cake for the first time with my Mother. I am letting her practice eating cake after all her birthday is next week.


Mandy @ The Party of 3 said...

:) I love the fake cry thing!! Sierra had that down pat when she was like almost 2! Wait for the fake cough! Her birthday is coming up? We will have to send her some books for her birthday! What day is it? Email me:)

John and Lee said...

Wonderful!. I remember the 4 week mark being the beginning of the ahhhh I think this may be okay. I really started feeling like a mother, felt less tired, enjoyed her more. At about 6 weeks, we were sailing along. Good Luck and happy birthday to her! By the way, I love the fake laugh, cough, boo-boo. Love the need for love and love to give it!!

Roger and Joanne said...

They get such a kick out of playing "tickle, tickle, tickle".
So cute at this age.

Anonymous said...

so sweet! :)

Unknown said...

Being a new "Mom" always feels like you are all alone, and things do not feel "right"-best advise I got was to join a new Mom's group. Adoption or by birth you are a new Mom and even know she is not a little baby the process is the same. I think you are doing an amazing job! She is smart girl! She is learning about you, learning about what love is and what being someone's child feels like. My heart is with you!

Laura said...

We've been home 4 months today and it's also my mom's birthday! :)

Don't you just love it when she stares you square in the eyes...oh, and nap time side by side. Not much better than that!

Sounds like all is going really well! Love the fake cry...I know another little girl who has that down pat, too.

Enjoy every moment ~ even the challenging ones!

Laura :) said...

Ahhhhhh. . .relax. . .enjoy. . . I think you're going to be just fine. Those first few weeks are the roughest. It's so hard to adjust going from childless to having, not just a child, but a toddler with some pretty big issues--like everything is different! It will just keep getting better from here. . .Just wait till she says NO! to you for the first time. What a shocker! : )

Christen L said...

Sounds like the attachment is moving along nicely. :) Very cool that she's picking up things you do.

kate said...

Don't know about attachment, but it may be helping her to digest new foods. I'm curious to know how it affects attachment! I've got fish oil capsules ready--they're supposed to help attachment by evening out mood and increasing neuro activity. I figure it can't hurt!

Anonymous said...

I could have written many of your posts 4 years ago when our son first came home from Ekat. It took months before I started to feel normal again and more after that to really feel like his mom. Its very hard but it sounds like you are doing a great job. If you ever want to chat please e-mail me:


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It sounds like things are going better! I can't believe that you and I have been home with our girls for a month!

Suz said...

Hey Joy, will you e-mail me. I can't find your e-mail addy SusieYarb at Yahoo dot com

junglemama said...

Neat update! Congrats again! Too cute!