Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can you scratch that itch?

Now that my arm is starting to feel a little bit I have realized that there are a few funny moments. Since the sling hurts my shoulder I have been walking around with my arm kind of resting on my head. So the big question is:

"Do you have a question?"

I have become that little kid that has the answer to a question that the teacher will not call on.

The other thing that is funny is the other day I realized I can not scratch the top of my head my head. Oh the things I am missing out on.


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

This post really made me laugh..."yes, Joy...can I help you?" I can just hear the teacher say.

That cast will be off before you know it and you will be on your way!!!


Melissa said...

You look like one of my know-it-all students with your arm up. I sure hope your cast comes off soon. Keep smiling!

Anonymous said...

i can see how that would be difficult to scratch your head with that arm!