Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Torn Between Two Titles

The first is "Does this make my arm look thinner?" or "Wow those legs are white!" Both are very fitting for this post. Is it possible it could have 2 titles that really fit?

So the verdict is in. I am casted for at least the time being. I will be off from work for the next 4-6 weeks. Thank Goodness for sick time because I will still get a full paycheck.

Unfortunately for you all you will be stuck with full time. The posts maybe shorter and comments fewer because it is my right arm but I will have all the time in the world to read away.

Things that are hard to do with your non-dominant hand:
1. cleaning your ears with a q-tip.
2. eating things with sauce
3. Sleeping
4. Pulling up my underoos

Yup Dottie keeps nudging my arm!


Melissa said...

Ugh! That cast is huge. Try to enjoy your time off. Maybe you can get things organized and ready for your trip. At least the weather is warmer so you can enjoy some sun!

Barb said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning! Yes, it does make your arm look thin . . . can I get a full-body one?

www.adventureswithaidan.org said...

Wow. . .What a bummer! But, now you have lots of time to make lists of things to take and to do between now and trip 2. . .how are you at writing with the hand you don't usually use??? Funny stories for later, I'm sure, for the little banana: "How I began my summer vacation-2009." : )

Always in my prayers.

Amy said...

You're not supposed to Q-tip your ear anyway!!!

I don't know what's whiter YOUR cast or MY legs....

Nicole Brueck said...

Oh Joy! My daughter had a cast just like that, except it was pink and purple. Yes, it does make your arm look thinner.
Hoping for quick healing!

Ms. Elaine said...

Oh me! What happens if the call comes to go to Russia while you are on sick leave? Will you get to go? Rest, relax and take in the sun on those legs!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

That is the cutest picture! I am so sorry that you have to have your right arm cased with all the projects that you want to get done. And what makes you think that blogger world wouldn't want more of you? I really enjoy all of your posts. At least you can still type?

Troy and Rachel said...

Dottie looks like she's taking care of you!! I hope that arm gets better soon! In the meantime you can work on the whole white legs things!! Relax!

Anonymous said...

how in the world did this happen?

Roger and Joanne said...

Ahhh...I'm sorry. I obviously missed that post about you hurting your arm. Bummer! It sure does look tricky to get a few things done. How bout' driving?

Hmmm...what is the purpose/meaning behind all this?

I hope you feel better and get waited on beautifully!

Carey and Norman said...

Love the photo...we bloggers have to take photos of everything. Glad Dottie is a big help too :o)