Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Peeps are out

I still do not have any travel dates yet. I think I have a theory but one that I will keep to myself at this time because it can not be denied or confirmed. Either way my theory has settled my nerves about not getting my travels dates yet. I am sure that part of the problem is that there have been so many changes in the past 2 weeks.

Is there anything better then stale marshmallow peeps? Yes, travel dates but I will have to settle for the peeps for now.

5 comments: said...

And the Hershey's candy coated chocolate eggs are awesome, too!

Praying for your travel date. . .

Melissa said...

I enjoy Cadbury Cream Eggs myself. But yes, travel dates are better.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Yes, travel dates are better than peeps, but so are chocolate dipped peeps!

Rich and Jolynn said...

You are making me crave "peeps", we are dieting, Yuck! I could really stress eat all those cute yellow chick peeps. Hehe!

Laura said...

Oh....Cadbury Cream and Caramel Eggs....but let's not go there. Trying to give up Candy for Lent! Come on TRAVEL DATES!!!
