I usually have a box of concern. It is a mental box where I keep thoughts that are not productive or positive. I put all these thoughts into that box and pray that it will all work out. Many of my friends have heard me say "I have a box of concern but I have not broken it open yet!" Well it is official I have opened this box. There have been only a small handful of times when I have opened the box of concern. Decisions must be made and I must make but only after I am completely informed. These decisions must be made with my head not my heart. Thank goodness when I need to be I can be cold and clinical not to say that it is pain free. Just the facts Jack!
Where do I start. If you cry all night does that count for crying once or more then once? I really wanted to limit the number of times I cried during this part of the adoption so that I do not wear out my crying ability. I am sure that it has to do with being over tired, hormonal, worried and sick.
I lost my voice 2 days ago and Gerard has told me to not even try to talk because no one can understand me anyway. Just so that you all do not think that he is mean he told me this while tucking me back into bed and setting me up with cough syrup, cough drops, a cold diet soda and the TV clicker.
This time last year I was filled with excitement. I remember posting my New Years Eve post announcing that I was switching agencies. I was so careful to wait to say something about the switch until I was sure that everything was almost done.
I remember Gerard and I talking about what are we going to do if I call in February or March of 2008. I did not have enough PTO time saved for my entire maternity leave. I have been so careful in the past 2 years to not take time off with pay so that I would have enough time available later to travel and to be home and still get a full paycheck once the baby was here. Plus this was a good way to try out a part time paycheck without making the commitment.
Looking back I really enjoyed the summer months. I went to the beach even though I never actually tanned. I am usually the whitest person on the beach. I am so glad that even though I really do not and have not had any real adoption news in quite some time that I still have written down my thoughts.
He was so nervous that I would be traveling before we were ready. For Gerard he always was thinking that the Fall of 2008 would be such a better time to travel. Secretly, I think he even wished for the Fall of 2008 as the travel time. I have seen a change in him since that time. He is showing his disappointment from time to time now. He has been so sweet in the past 2 months telling me not to worry only to be a worried mess himself.
It has not been a secret that I have been upset with my agency because of the increased time line. Yes, I completely understand that this is what I signed up for and that there are no guarantees in pregnancy or adoption. The reasons why I have chosen this path have all been my own. I know that I am sounding ungrateful and that I must follow in God's path for me. I am trying to do just that. To cry for Julia is no longer an option because of new changes that I am sure I will not like. I will however always remember her and keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Well my agency is calling a mandatory meeting for families who are waiting! The main topic is how the economy has impacted the agency!
Okay I know that I may be a pessimist but how could this be a good thing. Anyone who has followed the economy knows that the news out there is not usually good news right now. I would be shocked if they told me something good. So I have a plan.
I am going to make the meeting for nothing else but for the satisfaction of confronting the agency with my concerns. Am I going to stay with this agency?? Well that is the 64,0000 dollar question! Gerard who knows me the best has not even asked me what I will do. He knows sometimes it is better not to ask.
School Days - August - December 2024
2 months ago
Just catching up with my favorite blogs--Aidan's sickness, Christmas, you know. . .Joy, you have been such a trooper though everything! I would have broken open my box of concern a long time ago . . .I say definitely confront your agency about every concern you have! Write them out, so you don't forget one. . .And, if you want to talk, I can email details of our dealings with your agency and then how it went with ours. Peace and Merry Christmas! And definitely drink that hot tea with lemon and honey!
Crying about this news is something I can certainly relate to. Wow! Not sure what to think about the "mandatory meeting". We are hoping it is a state of the agency meeting. Trying to stay positive too.
Hope your voice comes back soon, I wrap my neck with a warn towel and drink hot tea it really helps.
Happy New Year!
My prayers will be with you as you go to this meeting with your agency. I know how scary this must be. I was so worried about our agency when they took their website down and stopped taking new clients right before our first trip. They didn't tell us anything so at least your agency is communicating with you. I still think our agency may be going out of business, but they came through for us in a BIG way! I am praying for the same positive outcome for you and Gerald!
Joy - We are thinking of you right now. I hope that the meeting brings some answers and you can move forward from there.
I know the waiting the past year has been extremely frustrating, especially after changing agencies and counting on things to move faster after that. If you do consider switching agencies, there is one that seemed to move very quickly earlier this year (Catholic Social Services) and many families had wonderful experiences with them. We'll keep you all in our prayers. I hope you get some answers at the meeting. Feel better!
Hmmm, sounds fishy to me. I wonder what the whole thing is about and I am sure you do as well....I will keep you in my prayers. One way or another everything is going to work out. I agree with you and everyone else...definitely voice your concern and speak to the director about it...not just your adoption coordinator. I hope you will get some answers. I guess one positive is that they timing couldn't be better with all of your paperwork needing updates....it is all going to be ok. Please post when you know more. Hugs to you!
I admire you for not opening up that box sooner- you held out alot longer than I would have......
I hope to hear good news from the meeting. I have heard alot of adoption agencies are laying off staff due to not as many families adopting due to the economy.
Feel better soon my friend....
Hi Joy - Please keep me posted. I too would have opened that box a long time ago. You are a braver person than I.
Hope all goes well.
Joy - I hope the meeting goes well. I agree that you definitely need to tell them all your concerns. This has just gone on too long.
I too will be at the "meeting". I feel everything will be OK and they are going to tell us to be as patient as possible during this stressful time. I'm about the same time line as you so I understand your thoughts!
Hi Joy,
I really feel for you right now. It is definitely time that you talk to your agency about all of your concerns. I am praying that their news will only be a formality and that your call will still be as soon as February. Hang in there! It sounds like Gerard is being so sweet - I definitely know how hard this is for both of you. I am sending prayers and hugs your way...Teresa
Joy - you're such a strong person! I really, really hope this meeting with your agency is better than you expect it to be and hope they are just going to update you on where things are. Keep us posted and in the meantime, let Gerard tuck you in and feed you medicine until you are feeling much better!
Ugh, Joy. Bless your heart. I hope the call isn't terrible for you guys. Know I'm praying.
And, I love your new blog look!
Joy-your new blog design looks great! I hope you are having a good day!
What a mess. I could only hope that the agencies and everyone else involved can understand what this waiting does to us. It is awful. I hope that everything goes ok with your meeting. Our agency also had a telephone conference at one point but it turned out to be nothing. Just to update us on what they know, which wasn't much. I hope you do confront them with all your worries and that they will help you. Keep us posted.
How does the economy effect adoption?! People are still having babies and if anything more people should be giving them up because hey can't afford them?! I don't know maybe that is just my frusrtration for YOU I am so so sorry you are going through all of this and I wish I could tell you that one blank blank date this would all be better ... remember you are in my prayers!
My heart just sunk. I cannot imagine after waiting all this time to find out that your agency may be experiencing some pains of the economy. I had a feeling some smaller agencies would end up having trouble since not as many families will be adopting this year. Since CHI closed their branch offices, I felt that others would end up having to do the same.
My heart is with you as you face this meeting with your agency asking questions and waiting for answers. May God give you peace and direction!!
By the way, I love the new blog header!
Here's hoping you get to feeling better soon. What a special husband you have!!
I love the new look on your blog! I will be hoping and praying for you as you attend this meeting. I hope you get the answers you want and need. Praying for peace.
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