Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life is Good...God is Great!

The road that each of us takes is different. At times we cross each others paths and have an impact on the other. When I first started my adoption process I was scared of so many things. Reading about others stories helped me to overcome many of my fears and strengthened me so that I was able to complete my adoption with a feeling of warmth in my heart for the those who made it possible.

Along the way I have met quite a few blogger friends and I have never been disappointed that I did. One family that I am sure you all know is Adrienne and Jim, were the first blogger friends that I met. Please help them celebrate their wonderful news!

Miracles happen!

1 comment:

Rich and Jolynn said...

"Miracles happen" So True. I have prayed for Adrienne and family so many times!! Very happy for them! Love the new pics of Anna :)