My court hearing was longer then most. My between trips was also longer then most who adopt from Russia. My broken arm had been a major set back to my case actually more of a set back then I had even thought. After I was in the region for my court hearing I had found out that there were two different Judges who heard adoption cases. The regional representative told me she had been waiting for this one judge who was more accepting of international adoption.
Americans adopting Russian child is a sore spot for many in Russia. The thought of the children of Russia not learning about their heritage and culture in painful for the people of Russia even though there are a large number of children in Russia who do not have parents to care for them. I am not sure if the people I mentioned above receive a copy of my Post Placement reports or get the chance to see the pictures that I sent along.
Which is the reason why two weeks ago I had decided I will write to them and send off a few pictures. I had composed a letter with a brief update and getting around to printing up the pictures. I have an acquaintance at work who is Russian and has agreed to write the letter for me in Russian. I think now more then ever my letter to these officials is more important en light of the recent events where a young boy was sent back to Russia with a note asking to dissolve his adoption.
Had the shoe been on the other foot and the child sent to America after a Russian couple had adopted him I believe we as a country would be so angry that words would not be able to truly explain how we felt. So here is how my letter will read...
Dear Russia,
Anna Catherine is doing well. Anna is a very compassionate child who cares well for her babies and other stuffed animals. I believe that much of this behavior is a direct result of how she was cared for in Russia. She feeds them, changes their diapers and rocks them gently to sleep.
We enjoyed a winter that was very special this year because of the amount of snow fall at times we had close to 3 feet of snow in the front yard. I told her this is something that if she were in Russia she would see frequently.
Anna still enjoys Kefir every day here in the United States. I have also found that she enjoys fresh fruit the best, cheese is another one of her favorite things to eat. Anna will be attending an Easter party at the Russian Embassy this year because I feel that she must understand and learn about her homeland. Anna is Russian-American and she will know her Russian heritage.
I hope you find comfort in knowing that Anna is adjusting well. I hope you can see the sparkle in her eyes because you are the reason it is there.
Great letter, LOVE LOVE the picture!
Awesome picture and wonderful heart felt letter. It is so needed in a time like this to make the point that there are SO many grateful parents who celebrate their culture and who they are on a daily basis.
I think this is a wonderful idea and I loved your letter.
The picture is darling!!!
Nicely put mama!! She's a gorgeous girl!
What a great letter and a most adorable photo. She has come a long way, and yes it is in part to the caretakers she had. Howeber, she has grown by leaps and bounds because of you too. I so wish the media would pick up on the success stories that adoption has created and not just the sad, messed up ones.
Please go to and share your story.
i love this post. what a beautiful spin on things.
You said it well. I have thought of you guys non-stop since the story of the little boy broke.
I would like to link to your blog on April 15th to show my family and friends successful Russian adoptions. If you don't want me to please e-mail me at
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