Monday, September 8, 2008

New Bedding

Twin Bedding

Crib Bedding

I have broken down and ordered the bedding that I have had my eye for the past 4 or 5 months. I plan of keeping a twin bed and a crib in the baby's room for the time being. I had gotten the crib set a couple of months back. I think the colors are similar but not exactly what I wanted.

I have a very large master bedroom and I am still thinking that it might be better to just put the crib in there at least in the beginning. We have such weird sleep schedules I think this is going to be the worst part of the adjustment for us. I know that getting a schedule down for the little one is the most important thing. I just do not know how this will work out the best. I know that things just seem to work out but that does not stop me from worrying about it.


Kevin T. said...

Hi Joy,
I love that bedding! I am a blue/green girl by nature, so I love it. It is going to be adorable! I broke down and started a new blog yesterday.
Hope all is well!
Take care...Teresa

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

The bedding is very pretty. When we brought S home, we put a portable crib in our room (similar to what he had in Russia) in case he wanted to be in there with us. He ended up in there a little the first night home and then slept in his crib every night after that. We just wanted to have that option just like you all in case he was scared of being in his room at first. I hope the nursery keeps coming along well!

Amy said...

I really like the bedding that you chose. Please post a picture of your finished nursey.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

I love the bedding, Joy. We went back and forth about having Owen's bed in our room and ended up leaving it in his room, but we often wonder if it would have been better for his attachment development to have let him stay in our room. When we started letting him come to our room to sleep after his surgery in June, we really started to see more progress.... related? maybe so or maybe not, but something to think about I think. He always starts out in his own room though. :)

Can't wait to see the room all finished, hopefully with a picture of Gerard in there too! lol


Susan said...

So pretty!! I love the colors of your quilts.

Deb said...

Dave works night so he always stayed up late anyhow which made things work out well for us. You'll figure out the schedule when it comes time.
But having the crib in the room with you is great for the first few weeks or so plus it helps with the adjustment for the child, from what I've heard.

The bedding looks great. Think it will match well.