Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday afternoon perfect for a party

Friday night was one of the hardest solo nights Gerard had with Anna. Saturday was the family party for Hans, my God son and Great nephew. Jaime Lynn and Greg had the party at my house. I slept while the party decorations went up. After Friday night I was so relieved to be called off for Saturday night.

What a wonderful day that was for us. I worried that Anna would have some difficulty with the day because she did not sleep well and having so many people around but I was wrong. She did way better then I even imagined that she could do. I am so lucky because my family does now know the routine. Direct Anna to Gerard and I if there is a problem or affection that needs to be given.

Gerard did all the cooking, Jaime Lynn and Greg did the entertaining, Jillian did the photographing of all the special things and I did the holding of Anna. Anna enjoyed having a bunch of 2 and 3 year olds running around the back yard with her. They played in the pool and on the slide.

One of the funniest things that happened was when we put Hans in front of his smash cake. I took him a little bit of trying before he figured it out. S he started to eat and play with the cake then all of a sudden he jumped up and ran away.

By far the biggest hit of the party was the pinata. Anna keeps retelling the story of the pinata. She brings us to the tree, re-enacts swinging the bat and when it breaks and the toys fall out. She has not stopped playing with her new little animal friends.

I'm excited because today is Monday. I know it sounds crazy. Who wishes for Mondays? Me! Today my Mother's day surprise arrives and I will only have two more nights to work before my vacation starts. Here are some of my favorite pictures of the birthday party.


Barb said...

Hi Joy! It's been awhile since I've left a comment . . . but I've still been reading!

Hope you have a great Monday!

junglemama said...

Great photos! How fun!