Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day One at the Vacation House ***Pictures addedd***

This house is a true beach house in every sense of the word. The pool is a warm 88 degrees with plenty of shade and privacy. The side yard has chairs for sitting in the sun. There is a covered area for eating. The pool is fenced in with the door handles that are only at the adult level. One of the bathrooms is modified outdoor full bath. One of my dreams is to have an outside shower at home.

Yesterday, Gerard and I went to visit his Aunt Nel and Walter her friend. The funny thing is Walter is one of the cleanest, neatest people you could ever have met. I am sure having Anna run a muck in his house made him a touch crazy. I owe him at least a case of Windex. In Florida many of the houses have a lot of windows and I do believe that Anna touched everyone on the them. In addition Anna did some redecorating and moved every nick nack in the house. Walter was a good sport. Walter did get me back however and showed Anna how to do a cannon ball!

The Internet is a bit questionable here so I can not seem to get the pictures loaded. I will edit to add the pictures when I get a chance and yes I did get the go ahead to add one of Wilson. I will not label them but I bet you all can figure out which one is "Wilson" when I add them. Have a sunny day!


Melissa said...

Great photos. I love the one with I think "Wilson" holding Anna. It looks like she loves the water as much as Colby does!

Beth said...

CUTE PICTURES. Looks like you guys are having a blast!!! ENJOY YOUR VACATION.

BETH said...

Nope. No sharks seen in any of these pictures. . .good job in not letting Anna play with them!! : ) Hope you're having fun!!