Thursday, October 28, 2010

Last thoughts

The other day when I was reading some negative comments my first thought was I will limit who can comment. This morning after reading some "well" meaning observations about a relationship that very few have even a timble full of knowledge about I am thinking I might stop blogging all together. I plan to think about this a lot over the next week. Before I pull the plug on this blog there were still a few things that I wanted to say.
According to the 2010 census statistics, if Gerard and I had married the likelihood that we would be divorced today is 44%. That is a pretty high number of divorces in my opinion. No one ever marries with the intension of divorcing but this is a real concern that many my age are facing.

According to this article approximately 30-60% of marriages have experienced infidelity. Also according to this article men are more likely to cheat at the rate of 50%.
I choose this last web site because the research is well documented on the reference page.

I did not write in a general manner when I said that I was waiting for the cream to rise to the top in terms of Gerard. I would say that more then 75% of what I wrote about was how I thought Gerard was a good Father so I ask before you misquote me please stop and read it again. Anna may be 3 years old but we have only had the pleasure of her company for a little over a year. We needed to change who we are and our own roles to accommodate her needs above our own. I think this takes time to do and does not happen overnight.

I also said…
Bad fathers or mothers will show themselves in time they do not need others to point them out. What does that mean? I think today it is easy to say that someone does not do things as well as another without being able to look at the things that this person is doing right.

My experience is that most men are not good playmates with their children. My experience is that most men are not nice to their wives whether their wives are being mean or nice. My experience is that most divorces end in a very ugly manner where children must make a choice between their father and their mother. My experience is that when these children are forced to make the choice between their fathers or their mothers that this affects them for the rest of their lives, every birthday, holiday…every happy or sad moment that child has for the rest of their lives. My experience has been that not all men are nice or kind to their children or their wives. I have seen families torn apart.

Everyday when Gerard walks through the door he smiles no matter how difficult of a day he has had. I do not try to highlight that I am not married on my blog but if I am asked I will not lie…if you read the comments I was asked. I am more comfortable today then I have ever been with not being married.

As far as the loss of my dreams it is this simple. I will never be pregnant. I will never get the opportunity to go into labor be rushed to the hospital by Gerard and birth a child. I missed close to 23 months of Anna’s life; I do not even have a picture of her from when she was first born. I will never feel a baby grow inside me. I will never breast feed even though I help woman who pretend to want to breast all night long then blame nurses for not showing them hold to do it.

My Father will never walk me down the aisle at my wedding. After being engaged for as long as I have been I would never consider a large elaborate wedding, dress, flowers or photographs. I will never be able to justify spending money that could be saved for Anna's college education on something like a wedding for me and my pleasure. I will never be able to tell anyone that I am married and their response is anything other then “finally.”

I have had a hand in the loss of some of these dreams. I take full responsibility for the loss of some of my dreams. I am pretty sure I never have never complained about not being married on this blog. I also do my best to see what God’s plan is for me. On more then one occasion I have done my best to support my family and friends who are having difficult patches in their relationship. I have also encouraged all but one to try and work out their differences.

I am however berated on almost a weekly basis by someone who thinks I should be married or be angry at Gerard because we are not married. I think there are many people who like to be mean spirited and who like to judge another. I also think that there are people who like to make others cry. I do not value my friends based on their marital status. I value you them based on whether they are caring towards me and others.

I will no longer write about this topic and quite frankly I am strongly considering not continuing this blog at all because I think it perhaps may have become unhealthy. I only wrote about something I thought was funny. I really do not care if Gerard never changes a diaper that is not important to me. I am pretty sure I would not like it if he wanted to be in charge of the cleaning, cooking or shopping. I wish is was 1952 for a lot of reasons.

When I started my adoption journey I did not have many people who were happy for me. Life can be cruel at times and I guess this is just one of those moments. Perhaps I should have just ignored Rob’s comments. When I started this blog I guess I thought if readers did not like it or me that they would move on to something they did enjoy. I am pretty sure I have never been so judgemental in a comment I have left for others. I always sign my name at the end of my comments.

Ms. Elaine you have always been very kind and supportive. Please email me privately I will share with you the unpublished parts of my story if you like. I can see where you may have some questions or confusion that perhaps I can clear up or maybe not. You have had the courage to leave your name with your comments and for that I am grateful. You can find my email address under my complete profile on the right hand side. I think of you for some reason every time I put a smocked dress on Anna and they are all happy thoughts.

25 comments: said...

Hey Joy,

You are who you are. . .know that you don't have to change anything at all!! You and Gerard have consistently shown that you are parenting Anna with love for her, which I think, is a reflection of how you feel about all of those around you. what you decide to do is entirely your decision. but, I know for certain that the two of you will always be there with love, support and never ending joy where Anna is concerned.
God Bless to you three!
Ever in my prayers,

The Robins' Nest said...

Sorry to hear about the negative comments. It is really unfortunate that people feel the need to be negative instead of supportive. Ultimately you have to do what is right for you though, although as a fellow adoptive mom I would love to be able to keep up with you and Anna.

I thought about going private about a year ago, but ultimately decided to keep it public, but that is always an option if you want to keep blogging, but not have to put up with people making inappropriate comments.

Anonymous said...

First I would like to say, Anna is beautiful, and looks very well loved. This is the first time I have commented, however I have followed your blog for quite sometime.
I am the grandmother of a very precious little boy adopted from Russia also. (Vladivostok)
As for you and Gerard being married or not, is no ones business but yours, and that should be the end of that, don't allow mean spirited people to affect your happiness. You & Gerard seem to have Anna's best interest all the time, and that is what is the most important.
I also believe from reading your thoughts, you have or will make sure that in the event something should happen to either you or Gerard, you have provided proper care for Anna then too. Just keep up the good work and remember love conquers all. I wish all three of you the very best.
And yes, I too sign my name...Mary

Unknown said...

Joy - This is my first time commenting, but I have been following your journey for a quite a while.

We have an Anna too, who was also adopted from Russia (St. Petersburg). We came home right around the same time that you did and our Anna is only a few months younger than yours. We also live in NJ. with all that in common, I had been meaning to write you for quite some time, but never got around to it. Now I feel like I have to.

The relationship that you and Gerard have is no one's business but your own. You and Gerard are happy. Anna is happy. Period - that's all that matters. Why someone would want to judge another person's family is beyond me. Keep your chin up - you guys sound like you are doing great job with your beautiful little girl!!

One more thing - I thought the diapering story was hilarious!

Peace, Amy

Amy said...

I don't keep up with blogs as much as I'd like to anymore, so I caught the original post after the fact - and missed the in between post. Here's my two cents - as another single who adopted - for what it's worth (with our economy in Michigan, it may only be worth 1 cent!)

I have seen fabulous marriages, and I have seen marriages that are simply a piece of paper tying two people together. What the important part piece is - seems to be the relationship. How you and Gerard want to have your relationship is YOUR business and no one else's. And I say that in all terms. If you don't ever want to get married -- your business. If you do -- your business. From an outside view, I actually think you have one of those "good relationships" - and sometimes that's so much more than a piece of paper.

Is your relationship traditional? Obvisouly, no. But again, that's your business. Would I want a father figure who doesn't change diapers? Not personally, but guess what? As someone who is parenting alone -- I'd rather have a father figure somedays that doesn't change a diaper over no father figure at all.

What you two (or three) decide to do with your lives, is your call. If your blog is a way for you to help communicate with other family members or friends and a way to document your life - I say keep it. You can approve comments before they are seen OR not allow private comments at all. Or heck -- even make it private. If you do, I'd love to be included, because I love hearing your side of things and catching up with Anna.

To me, Joy, the world is a pleasure because of the differences in people. My cousin's husband doesn't do 1/2 of the things that Gerard does yet he provides for his family and that's enough for them. Whatever works for you is what's best for you. Another friend once told me that everyone has some dysfunction, she was just comfortable with hers. I am NOT saying that your relationship is dysfunctional!! What I am saying is that along those lines -- if it works for you... then it's all good!

Hugs to you. You don't need this stress.

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

For some reason my post showed up twice. So I deleted # 2... :) FYI!

Lynn said...

Hopefully the hatefulness can stop. I don't understand why people read blogs they are so unhappy with. Obviously they are unhappy people. You and Gerard must do things in your own way. Making the family work in the way you think its best because ultimately it is between the 3 of you. Anna is a beautiful child and I have enjoyed "watching" her come out of her shell over the last year and the way she smiles more is a testament to her parents.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - I don't see any "hatefulness" or "negativity" whatsoever in the posts above. I think some people are sensing regrets in what you write.

If you're happy with your relationship, then everyone is happy, happy, happy. NO WORRIES.

If any of the comments are hurtful, then you should certainly get rid of your blog or at least make it private because life is too short to take this kind of thing to heart.

Your daughter is beautiful and thank you for letting us see her transformation! I think I speak for all of us out here when I say we wish you and your family the very best that life has to offer and happiness that lasts a lifetime!

Rob said...

I feel just horrible about this, Joy!

As I mentioned in my follow-up comment and emails, my comments were aimed at guys in general. I'm more than a little frustrated by how little involvement some men show in parenting or even just keeping their home running.

It was not my intention to pass judgement on your family, but to make a comment about men in general based on the picture your post painted. You seemed to be saying that Gerard is not an especially involved Dad but I've come to realize that I grossly mistook your meaning.

But regardless of rationale or intent, my comment was obviously perceived as negative, hateful and targeted to your specific situation and, again, for that I'm terribly sorry!

Maybe it's the nature of this kind of communication that (since you can't see the other person you're talking with) it can be difficult to get an accurate sense of their meaning, especially if they've expressed themselves poorly or inappropriately, which seems to be exactly what I did.

I sincerely hope that you don't discontinue blogging on account of my comments.

Anonymous said...

Oh Joy

I have posted anonymously cuz I could never get the google thing to work, but my name is Julie Walker. I have told you before that I love reading your story. I love your style of writing. I love your attitude about life. I hope you don't stop blogging. You've been so honest and that is so very refreshing. Many blogs are just sunshine and flowers. Yours is so real. I am an adoptive mom and we adopted our dd when she was 16 months. I have some sadness about missing those first months. I have a few pics but crave more more more...

At any rate, I would miss your blog.


Anonymous said...

I can't get the Google thing to work either, so I pop up as anonymous, but always sign my name because otherwise... well, it's just not fair...
Anyway Joy, to continue this blog or not is your decision, but personally I would hate to see you stop writing this blog. First, I'm just totally in love with your little girl... Secondly I can relate so well to your comments about losing a lot of dreams -- every one of the ones you wrote about are also my situation, except, you have been blessed to have a good man in your life (I don't), & you have been blessed with this beautiful little girl (as noted by me once before, I always dreamed of adoption, even before surgery at a young age left me unable to physically conceive or give birth, but, as I age, & given my life circumstances, that dream is also vanishing -- or vanished -- for me too...) So, I am thrilled that you have obtained those dreams, & Anna is with the family she is meant to be with -- a mom & dad that love her. Period.
I also work with children, but in a different way... I work with kids that have been abandonded, ridiculed by parents, forgotten, & abused... Married parents or not doesn't seem to matter -- biological child or not doesn't seem to matter... You & Gerard put Anna first, & THAT is what matters...
Again, it's your decision to continue this blog or not, but I would hate to see it end... because it's given me a glimpse of what some of the dreams could be...
God bless & keep Anna, you, & Gerard -- your family...

Janet said...

Joy, I really hope you do not stop blogging! I found your blog from OUR JOURNEY OF LOVE and have followed weekly. I think you and Gerard are doing a fine job with Anna. Joy my favorite saying is mean people suck! Please know that i would miss your blog and seeing Anna grow up! Janet

Nicole Brueck said...

Your life is YOUR life. It plain just doesn't matter how other's live theirs, if you are living yours the way you want.
My dad never changed a diaper and he is a wonderful man. It just wasn't something he didn't want to do. My husband works all the time. Does it mean he is a horrible dad (even though he does change diapers)? That answer is only up to me to decide.
You are one of the least judgemental people I have "met" online and it saddens me that you would think to shut down your blog. It is such a joy to watch your daughter grow.
Keep your chin up, and as my teenage son would say, "Just ignore the haters."

Melissa said...

Joy, please don't give up your blog. I love watching Anna grow up and following your journey. Funny to say, but I find myself connected with yuo guys even though we haven't met. Ugh! Comments can be tough, but take heart. You get them. I often wonder if I should stop my blog because no one seems to even read it. Anyway, whatever you decide is best. Just don't lose touch.

Mary Ann said...

You and Gerard are doing a wonderful job parenting little Anna. It is obvious by the way her personality is unfolding right before our eyes. Best wishes to you all.

Ms. Elaine said...

You are very sweet! I am blessed to be able to read your blog and I love seeing how Anna is growing. I do not have a blog but I do for some reason enjoy reading other's....I guess to me it is better than reading a fictional book. Please don't stop posting about sweet little Anna. It will be totally understood if you choose not to post personal stuff about marriage etc. Others have talked about how mean people can be on blogs and I don't want that to ever be the case for you. I appreciate you offering to explain further but really it is not necessary. You are doing what you need to do for you and Anna and that is all that really matters. Keep blogging and telling Anna's story...please! You might fix it like some that apparently read the comment before it is allowed to post to keep out what you don't want (I think that is the way Adrienne's is done-which is how I found you). If you are every in Tennessee, I would love to meet you all!

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Just sending you a cyber hug, Joy!

I'm always here; reading along. I've enjoyed being apart of your journey along the way.


Heidi said...

Joy, I feel bad that outsiders made you feel upset. From what I see you are a very honest woman who happens to be a great mommy, dedicated daughter, terrific aunt, and loving partner to Gerard. Who cares if there is no paper between you. You have 22 years between you and that is what I call committed. I love your blog and have thoroughly enjoyed your blunt honesty about life. You make me think about life differently. Thank you for that...Heidi

Anonymous said...

I am a long time reader of your blog. Although I am married, I would NEVER look down on someone who was not.

It is your decision, and it has nothing to do with your ability to parent or the strength of your relationship. I applaud you for having the strength to stand behind what you believe in. If you ever do get married, do it because you want to, not because you feel like you should. People can be a**holes, but stay strong. Your daughter is lovely, and married or not it sounds like you have a great relationship with Gerard.

Best wishes!

Dana Doctor said...

I know Joy... and I know Gerard and I am certain that Anna has the very best parents. They are a wonderful family.

Rich and Jolynn said...

No - I am gonna cry if you stop blogging!!!! You and Gerard are so perfect for Anna. Your a wonderful family just the way you are!!!! Forget some flakey idiot who has nothing better to do.... Divorce sucks and I was in my thirties when my parents split. I will never get over it. Please keep in touch if you decide to stop blogging


Anonymous said...

I have been reading since "Annie" ignited so many with her comments on Adrienne's blog regarding birth moms. Married for 13 years with a now 9 and 10 year old. My husband was not an active participant with the babies until they were about 2 years old. With my first baby, this surprised and saddened me....but with the 2nd, I began to ask more questions and do more research. What I found was that this was not uncommon and NOT a reflection of ones "fathering" potential. It WAS stressful for me, but looking back, I would happily take an actively involved Daddy today vs, and actively involved daddy back then. Like women, men also GROW into their roles as parents...they without those maternal instincts....maternal instincts that kick in biologically and situationally! All you adoptive mommies experience the same rush of emotions that we birth mothers experience!

As far as marriage.... everyones fairy tale reads differently.... we all do they very best we can for ourselves and our loved ones. Joy, you are no different! You should continue to make decisions that work for you and those you love without carrying the judgement of others. If we were all honest, all the time, we would admit that there are things we hide about ourselves because we fear being judged by others. Joy, you weren't afraid. You wear your truth....that is not something to be ashamed of and nor should you accept criticism for it. Blog away...and tell yout truth.... and know that your daughter will be better because of it.

Kelly K.

Anonymous said...

Hello again Joy-
Having finally had a chance to look over some of the past posts & comments, I had to just comment that my Mom (who died of breast cancer & heart failure 5-1/2 years ago now) always said that my Dad (who is 89 years old & who I "take care of", in addition to working 60+ hours a week) never changed a diaper on me either... But, my Dad worked at GE, & ran our farm, & provided for us at home in so many ways -- he even kept my Grandma/his mother-in-law, in our home with us until her death at age 88, & cared for her like he later did his own mother -- but still, Dad just wasn't into "household" chores... Since my Mom passed away though, he has still kept our home going -- he doesn't cook or do laundry (he can fix the machines, but not run them -- go figure, but I'm thankful at least he can fix them!), but every night he helps me dry the dishes, he takes care of our dog during the day, he gets the mail, shovels the snow, works in the barn, burns the paper, etc., etc. He has his roles & I have mine, but together we are a team to keep plodding forward. Oh, & when I had surgery, he drained my drain bulb for me, & put cream on my sores -- just like when he was in the hospital & I would empty his urinal & get him dressed (broken arm & leg from a car accident). After my Mom died, I didn't think my Dad & I would be able to make it work, but with teamwork in what we both can do, we've both learned & we have gotten by -- & so, changing diapers just doesn't define a dad or a man -- silly of people to think it does... not a big deal people!

Unknown said...

As Paul Shane Spear said:
"As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person."
And that is what you and Gerard have done. You don't owe anyone any explanation, and no one has the right to be so judgemental towards another. Know that you are supported and thought of often.