I never wanted the end of this blog to be a sad one so I refuse to let it be...the end that is. Wow I never did realize that this many people ever read about us. Thank you all for you support and prayers. I wish that everyone had the chance to meet Gerard in person.
Yesterday I went to the mall with my Mother to get some pictures of Anna. I started to load up the stroller with my stuff. That is when I figured out I forgot the diaper bag and had to bring in my emergency diaper kit. My Mother who has not seen the blog this week or she would have told me so said "Gerard is much better at being prepared then you are. His diaper bag is very well stocked. He has 4 diapers, wipes, snacks, juice, toys and a set of clothes all in little zip lock bags. He also knows where his diaper bag is! I thought you would be better at this." I laughed and thanked her because see that is reality. -=
How about an Anna update now.
This week was parent teacher conferences. We were booked to visit with the teacher on Thursday. I had so many reservations about sending Anna to pre-school. I had spoken with the teacher about my concerns before she started and I could tell that she was just not understanding what I was saying. I do like the teacher very much, she is young, full of energy and organized. Adoption and attachment is tricky, I do not think that I am an expert either but I am working on it.
The first 2 weeks were very hard. Anna would hit me for about 2 hours after I picked her up from school. She has regressed back to a diaper. During the day when we were home she was completely trained. Now she wants no part of the potty at all. I have decided not to push her. I know that when she feels comfortable again she will tell me.
Her eating has improved. When I spoke to the teacher she laughed and said that she was very funny at lunch time. I also send breakfast but she almost never eats it. In there lunch boxes the meals are labeled with a B or an L. Just the other morning when she woke up she asked me for "B". I think it is cute when she does that kind of stuff.
Apparently, Anna enjoys rice cakes or at least the teacher's rice cakes. The teacher had to get up from the table to get something and Anna had taken a bit of her rice cake. From what the teacher has said Anna will completely set up her lunch spot before she starts to eat. I laughed because Gerard does much of the same thing. Most people are about half way through the meal before he gets started.
The teacher was surprised by how little speech Anna has. If you give Anna the choice of three things she always picks the last thing that you said and mimics it back to you. I was thinking in my head yes I know that is why I was concerned about her walking herself to class because she has only just now started to refer to herself as Anna.
The teacher did say that Anna has not hit any of the other children. That of course was a fear of mine. The teacher says that her favorite things are the puzzle and block stations. The teacher says that she is very good at cleaning up the blocks. The teacher said that she has very good hand control over a crayon. She even drew us a picture for the meeting.
The teacher also commented that she understands now that her initial impression of what she thought Anna might act like was completely wrong. Anna is a bit of a dare devil on the play ground. There is a boy who is a bit older who she insists on holding his hand on the play ground (Dominick). I laughed because that is one of Gerard's nicknames.
Gerard saw Dominick's Mother one day when he was picking her up. She told Gerard that Dominick told her that he thinks Anna feels safe when she holds his hand so he does not mind. Oh what a sweet boy.
School Days - August - December 2024
1 month ago
I am so happy you have decided to allow us to share in your precious girls life. I check your blog everyday, because of course I have to check to see if my daughter has added anything new about Bradyn, even though I already know every move he makes as she & I talk daily. I love the sory of Dominick & Anna, so sweet. Also got quite a kick out of the diaper bag one. You & gerard keep up the good work.
and again thanks for sharing your life.
I like so many others do not know how to use the google thing, so even on my daughters blog, I am any anonymous.
I am Bradyns grandmother Mary.....
My son, now age 4.5, home 2 years this month(!), did a lot of mimicing too. I am embarassed to say that it drove me nuts at times!
But now he is doing quite well in the speech department. Most people wouldn't know that he is "special" (i.e., got a late start to life!).
Mimicing is a really good thing. The first year home, my son learned single words. The second year home, he started putting the single words together and now he is doing great. He is still a bit behind in expressive speech, but he is getting there!
Thanks for keeping your blog. I love it! As for school, it sounds like she is doing well. The beginning is a struggle but the teacher already sees growth. That's great! Keep with the routine and the speech will definitely improve with the social interaction. Colby mimicked us for awhile before his speech really took off. It is a typical stage of speech. And Anna already has a boyfriend! Wow! Don't grow up too fast little lady.
Firstly I apologise for the fact that I am constantly too lazy to leave Google Reader to comment but I read avidly.
Joy I was so sad yesterday to read that you were thinking up stopping blogging because of other people.
I LOVE your honesty, it is so refreshing and why I enjoy your blog so much. If people have problems with your marital status then that is their burden and not yours.
I love reading your blog. I love how strong of a woman you are, how great you are of a Mother to Anna, and so on. I check frequently and sure hope you continue to blog. I came across your blog quite some time ago while reading Adrienne's blog. I'm sorry you have to deal with others that have nothing better to do than to judge you and leave nasty comments. It's your life. Not their's. Hope to keep reading. Have a great Halloween with that precious little girl! : )
Well, all I have to say is "Good" -- & note that everyone has their own strengths (that applies to both Gerard & Anna!)
I am so glad your keeping your blog. I really enjoy your candor.
Glad that you are keeping your blog, Praying for your Mom! Would love to see a picture of Gerard! And of course can't wait to see pictures of Anna in her costume! Janet
Love your blog! I read it all the time because you don't try to sell your life as perfect. Some of these blogs are about as fake as they can get. Thanks for keeping it real! You are a great mother -
You do not have to answer to anyone except God for your choices.
You are a great mom and God entrusted YOUR child to YOU because He knew that was best. Ignore the mean-mouthed people in life. They were that way before you crossed their path, and will continue to be after you've peaceably went your way.
Thanks for keeping your blog.
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