Sunday, September 5, 2010

A visit to the zoo

Last week Jaime, Hans, Anna and I were looking at 2 different horse farms to have Anna's birthday party. The first farm was beautiful and I will consider this farm for Anna in a couple of years for riding lessons but as Jaime puts it "I just can not eat cake where the horses live." The farm manager also thought that the number of children and their ages was going to make having a party there difficult. So I conceded and decided to check out one more farm.

The second farm was perfect except the owner does not do pony parties in September because she has a big fall bash with pig races, a cow train, a hay mountain and corn crib for the kids to play in. I could still have the party there but it would not be the pony theme I was thinking about in my head. So her birthday party is still quite bit up in the air. I guess I just have to get through this week first.

After we looked at the farms we decided to take the kids to the Popcorn Park Zoo. This zoo is a bunch of animals who have been rescued from all over. The big thing at this zoo is that you can feed them all popcorn.

I think it has been a while since I have put up any pictures so here they are from the zoo. The little guy is my Great Nephew and Godson Hans. He is too funny. Anna had a good time even after the goat stole her popcorn bag.

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