Wednesday, April 20, 2011

These eggs are to dye for!

Sunday after we woke up Me-Me and I decided that the mood was right for dyeing eggs. I love that we do this together as a family just like we did for the Christmas activities. My sister Julie (Hans' Grandmother) joined us for the fun. I can not believe that entire year has passed already. Both Anna and Hans have grownso much.

I love the way Hans and Anna run to the dining room table when they see us getting an activity out for them to do. They both jump up into a chair and get busy. Me-Me got this neat egg painter/spinner for the kids last year. She thought ahead and bought another one this year so they both had one.

Eggs are done!

Last night Anna and I went to the movies with La-La and Jim Dear to see the movie Hop. The animation was neat but I have to say I guess I am just a little sensitive. In the being of the movie the family was eating dinner. It appeared that one of the children was adopted. Which I thought how cool is this, mainstream adoption in the movies then boom...a sarcastic remark about adoption. In my opinion it was an odd interaction within the movie. I guess you live and learn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE Anna's hair up like that! What a cutie! Just HAD to comment...