As yesterday progressed I started to feel better and was able to join in the fun of watching Gerard continue to clean up the yard while I worked on a preschool project for Anna's class. Gerard thinks I will get an A+. He also thinks she is going to laugh when she realizes that I spent the better part of my day off putting it all together. The teacher let me put the whole "Research Project" together for the class with the condition that Anna's Papa and Grammy (Gerard's parents) could help.
Next week the class is doing a project with the Grandparents but it was limited to only one Grandparent which I did not think was fair but I understand the class room limitation. I did not want to have to choose between the three of them. They all love Anna very much and each would be hurt if they were not able to do a project with her.
Gerard had to fix the outdoor portion of the vent cover for one of the bathroom exhaust fans. A bird was starting a neat little nest in there with the leaves from the grasses I love and he dislikes. After he pulled it all out he called me out to see just how much was in there. WOW it was a lot of reeds from the grasses.
Anna ran around the yard kicking the ball, driving in her car and yes climbing the tree again. I think I scared Gerard a bit when I told him that Anna will be driving a real care in about 13 years. She will be driving a used car just like in the picture. She was too funny waving and saying "Bye, you later" She is so full of energy. I like to describe her as the ball in a pinball game. She bounces from here to there with lots of energy but then when the game is over she is out like a light. I wonder if I had this much energy when I was a child? Anna kept telling us "Mom sun happy. Mom happy. Daddy happy. Anna happy." or "Listen Mom birds." one of the funniest was "Not raining, Mom." She talked nonstop all day which is so cute to finally hear her talk like this.
I plan on starting my walking routine today with Anna in the stroller. Gerard was organizing some of the tools and she managed to climb in and insisted on go for a ride. Even though the weather here is starting to break from the cold with occasional days in the mid 50's I am still cold. Last year at this time, we were preparing to go to Florida for warm weather, fun in the sun and beach time. This year I have other plans for my May vacation.
I am about 10 days away from my April vacation so I am so looking forward to just having the time off. We are planning of going to the Russian Easter party at the Embassy in Washington D.C. We hope to meet up with Stacy, Pat and Aidan for dinner again the night before. Another adoptive couple that I have become friends with have also decided to come so we are going to stay at the same hotel. I am super excited to meet her son Jacob. Today will be a fun filled day with Anna at her preschool. I hope to share some of it tomorrow.
Look- it's Wilson!!!! ;oP
Enjoy the festivities- I'd love to go someday when our SUnshine is old enough (and she's home, of course!! ;o)
Can't wait to see you all!!! Can't wait to hear Anna talking like this!!! Awesome!!!!
Oh, I'd love to go to DC! But not this year. No time. But hopefully next year. Mike's sister will be stationed there in the Coast Guard so I hope to be making many trips down. But she's not there until the fall. I know many people who are going. Wish I could join. Have a blast!
AH! :( I'm so sad now, even more so, that we aren't able to make it this year! We have got to go next year!!!
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