I know this is funny to think about but believe it or not Anna is really only with a small number of people and even fewer are given permission to show her affection. I realized this the one day while talking with a very good friend who has only met Anna less then five times in the ten months since she has been home. I do not force Anna to give hugs or kisses to anyone. Anna has started to laying her head down on our shoulders and patting our backs just like we pat her back.
I will not lie I do have some level of anxiety when ever the social worker comes to my home not because I do not like her or trust her. If we had not met in this setting I think we could have been friends. I guess it comes from my inner feelings about adoption. In the past 10 months I have fought at times to establish that I am Anna's mother more so in my head then in any other setting. Attachment is a two way street not only does Anna have to attach and bond with me but I to her.
I think it is strange to not have Anna with me now even if I am tired. I love watching her play even when I do not have the energy to pick up the hot mess that she can make in a matter of minutes. I guess when the social worker comes to visit even though it is in Anna's best interest I feel like my parenting abilities are in doubt. I know it is a silly feeling but I will be glad when this formal paperwork is completed.
Not great pictures but I do want to try and get one of the two of us together at each milestone.

Awww:) Yay for Anna!!
Congrats on a year. Amazing. I can clearly remember reading your post wondering when she would be home. We are so lucky to have our kids. And that dress is just adorable! Love the horse too!
I love the pictures!
And I know exactly how you feel about the visits...we have our last one for our older son coming up and I will be somewhat relieved to get it over with. Then just 2 more for our younger son.
That picture of you and Anna is precious. I can't belive it's almost been a year!!
Such sweet pictures! Congratulations! So exciting to see how great y'all look - so happy for you!!
wow...just checking in every few days opens our eyes to how fast Anna is growing up! The way you styled her hair makes her look more like a little lady!
congrats on the one year ppr!
~Laura ;)
Anna is so sweet looking. And I know from experience that she is what she looks like!!! It's great to get those post placement visits and reports behind you, isn't it? I can not wait to get our last one done--next March! I think you are doing great with Anna. Each year will bring deeper and deeper attachment. You, I think, are doing it right. . .
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