Saturday, November 7, 2009

She is out of surgery

I would have posted last night but even though it was 8 pm it felt like I had been up for days. The surgery is over she has been in the ICU. She has been having quite a bit of difficlty breathing but she is not on a ventilator. This morning the nurse said she was doing better but the nurse in me will only believe it when I see it with my own two eyes.

I am not surprised by her condition although my sisters are. Oh how nice it would have been to be in the dark for even a short time. I am praying that her lung function improves changes are coming for my family. I know that we are up for it even if others do not realize it right now.


Melissa said...

I'm so happy to hear she made it through the surgery. One big step over. Praying for a good recovery.

Becky and Keith said...

Joy - I'm so glad your mom did well in surgery! We're praying for your family and your mom. said...

Prayers continue. . as the caregiver, you need your rest, too. . .this is where the real work begins, as you probably already know! Glad she made it so well. Sounds like she's a fighter. That's a good thing to be with this insidious stuff!

God Bless!

Dede said...

Glad to hear the surgery went well. I keep you in my prayers for the recovery.

Pam said...

Glad surgery went well! We will continue to pray for a fast and complete recovery.
Just remember to get lots of rest and take care of yourself, You will be no good to anyone if you get run down!! But I am sure you already know that.
Prayers for you and your family!!!
Big Hugs to all of you!!!

Laura said...

I second everyone's thoughts about being glad the surgery is over, it went well and that our prayers are still forthcoming.

Hang in there, Joy -- your mom is so blessed to have you there with her!


Nicole Brueck said...

I am happy she is out and doing well. Sending you our prayers.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Sweet Joy, I pray your mom recovers well and quickly. I'm glad the surgery went well. Take care of yourself too!

Amber said...

so happy to hear she made it through surgery and I pray for a quick recovery for her.

Suz said...

So good to hear she made it through ok. I'm sure you're exhausted. Prayers and (((hugs))).