This week has been filled with both extreme excitement and extreme sadness for me. On some level I have been very detached from this whole adoption experience I think for many reasons. The first obvious reason is being detached has helped me to stay sane during the wait. I am surrounded by new Mothers and Fathers just about everyday. I am expected to be happy for them and I am happy. But if I were to let my adoption consume my life in a negative way and look at it as why me nothing good will come out of those feelings.
When a person is pregnant or adopting your imagination tends to build up what your child will be like. What color hair, eyes every feature of their little faces. I consider myself very fortunate that I am able to share these small moments with so many new families because I know one day it will be my time too! Inevitably we start to talk about whether or not the baby looks like you thought she would look. The answer is always no she is more beautiful them I ever could imagine she could be.
As a nursery nurse not only am I able to sometimes pick out features or symptoms that parent may think are cute or endearing but from my perspective that same feature is a big red flag or concern that I have for that baby. That is my job. We have books as big as a Webster dictionary that are full of pictures, features and conditions that most can not stomach to look at. It is my job to be familiar and to look at this book often.
Which brings me to the source of my excitement and extreme sadness. During this process I never considered even considering a special needs child. I know my limitations. Many have said that I would be a perfect candidate for a special needs child because I am a nurse and I understand what is involved with caring for this type of child. So the sadness is that this past week I considered a special needs child. She took my breath away. I could see her little hands in mine and I let myself get excited. Her eyes, her little kisser, the big goofy bow in her blond hair. The sad little look on her face. I fell asleep thinking that I could do this she could be my daughter.
But after looking at her medical information and consulting 3 different physicians about her condition, extensive research in every text book I could get my hands on, searching and reading many different research articles. I have decided that I can not take this child into my family as my daughter.
The pain that I am feeling is so overwhelming! I have not stopped crying for about 2 days now. I am hurting more then I ever expected I would hurt. I feel blindsided by my grief. Please if you think I am being selfish you can not say anything worst then what I am already telling myself about my character or my faith in God so do not even bother to post a comment. I feel like a terrible person.
Her condition at best means that she will probably not live longer then about 5 years old. She will die and probably a death that I know will be painful and sad and without a Mother's love. I have prayed for guidance and her well being. I keep coming back to the feeling that I want to be a Mommy not a nurse to another child who is going to die. I have great repsect and love for those who are able to take on a special needs child. I am not that strong.
Part of me wishes that I never saw her picture because I would not be feeling this pain. The other part of me is second guessing my decision as a sign or God's will and that I should aggressively pursue adopting her. I know the pain of losing a child and that almost destroyed me once.
School Days - Summer 2024
4 months ago
You are NOT being selfish. Only you and your hubby know what you can handle. It's better to say no, grieve and pray for this child then to try to adopt a child that you know you can't handle.
I'm so sorry for your grief. I think most adoptive parents go through similar grief at some point in their journey. I know we did. Although that doesn't help in the moment. Just know that you've got people reading that understand what you're feeling.
More [[[[hugs]]]] from me. I'm sure you made the best decision you could for your family and I pray that you'll have peace with it. Adoption can be a long, difficult road. Please don't get down on yourself. I think most of us have been there one time or another.
Oh Joy! I am so sorry you are having to feel this and experience it! I am hugging you in my heart right now. . .I'm so choked up for you I can barely think. . .but, that is NOT what you need. You, of course, are the only person (with Gerard, of course) who can decide what kind of child you are able to bring into your family. Only you know what you can and cannot do. DO NOT beat yourself up for that. As adoptive parents, we all do this in some way or another and I think God knows this and that's why He guides us to where He knows we will be most beneficial to a child. God bless you.
I think it took immeasurable strength & selflessness to make that decision in spite of just how much you'd like to take that child into your home & heart.
I'm confident that you did what was best for all concerned.
I can only imagine what a difficult decision you and your husband had to make. It breaks my heart just reading it. But, no you are not selfish. You know your limits and perhaps this beautiful little girl will find a family one day. Or perhaps you can help this little girl in other ways. Whatever may happen, a child is out there waiting for you and you will find him or her. Many warm thoughts.
i am so sorry for your pain! i know the anguish of turning down a referral. you are not being selfish! do not be hard on yourself. when the "right" little one comes along you just "know". hang in there!
Oh, Joy - I am so sorry. I feel your pain and hate that you're being so hard on yourself. Please, don't beat yourself up over this. You are NOT selfish. We all need to be aware of our limits, and it takes a lot of strength and courage to recognize what we can and cannot take on. You and this precious little girl are in our prayers.
Sending many hugs your way,
Dearest Joy,
I am so sorry to hear about what has happened. I am sorry that you are grieving this situation. Please do not beat yourself up about this--you are not being selfish. I agree with Rob--you are being honest about what you can do, even though that hurts so terribly to do. I'm holding you in my thoughts and prayers, and pray that God will pour his grace out upon you and bring you peace in the midst of this.
I'm so sorry for what you are going through Joy. I think it is awesome that you even checked into adopting this child and that you were so determined to help her. But you have to do what is best for your family. I could not imagine going into that situation. Don't worry-no one will think you are selfish; I think the fact that you showed interest in this child and got 3 evaluations on her shows how self-less you and your husband are! I will keep you in my prayers that you would feel God's love and power and that you all would not have to wait much longer to receive a referral!
Oh Joy, I feel so bad that you are going through this right now. You are such a special person and you want to help this child so much. I believe only you and Gerard can know what you can handle and knowing there would be such heartbreak in a few years would be almost unbearable for anyone. I don't think many people could handle that and I know that no one could ever think of you as selfish. I hope you are feeling a little better today and have found peace in your decision. Take care, Teresa
God bless you! You are NOT a bad person.....your grief is understandable and it only shows the goodness in your heart. Those led to adopt a child out of an orphanage or foster care--are so touched by children in need and it is heart breaking that they cannot all find loving homes, moms and dads.
Keep this little girl in your CAN be her prayer warrior. And know that your child is still finding their way to you.
Big Hugs!
I agree with all the comments left. I think you have to trust the evaluations given to you and the decisions made without feeling guilty (easier said than done, I know). There is a reason God has placed this little girl on your heart and it very well may be to be a prayer warrior on her behalf.
I don't post on this, but our daughter was a SN child. There were several families with our agency that considered her adoption before us. One family in particular prayed for our little girl and kept up with her placement. When she found out we'd been approved to adopt a little girl in her age range in Vlad, she shared her story and heart with us. God placed this family in our daughter's path for them to pray for her during her wait and to prepare our hearts by becoming close friends of ours (so we would ask about her placement/waiting status). I do believe that God has a plan for each of our lives. He will give you peace about your decisions and guide you to make the right decisions for your family. He has a plan for this little girl's life too. And, he has asked that you be a part of it by praying for her condition and also praying for her future family. God is good and will provide for this little girl. He justs asks for your faithfulness to help pray for her condition and future family.
Many hugs and lots of love coming your way!!
Joy, I'm so sorry you're feeling this pain.
You are a very strong person to know and realize that you cannot take on a special needs child. I'm the same way. I would be NO GOOD to a special needs child. There are people that God made especially for these children - do not feel bad that you are not one of them.
I'm thinking about you and hoping and praying that your perfect child is right around the corner waiting for you.
There is nothing selfish about what you have decided. I agree with the other comments wholeheartedly. We are sorry for your loss and hope that soon your pain will subside. You and Gerard are in our Prayers!
Joy- I just happened to see your blog (thru someone else's blogroll). I want to tell you I understand your painful feelings. We recently declined a referral based on a medical review as well, and you describe very well the emotions. The guilt (her face will forever haunt me) and the questions. I prayed to God for a sign that our adoption was meant to be (it's been so long), and the very next day we got a referral earlier than we expected. To then turn her down...keeps me up at night wondering about my decision. I think it was the right decision. But I never expected it to be so hard and so painful. I will say a prayer for you as well. I think the grief must be a necessary phase, and it will get better. And I believe your baby is out there!
Oh Joy, I've been thinking about you and praying for you. Please don't feel you are being selfish or guilty. I know it's easier said than done, but the child you adopt will be your child forever, and with adoption, we do get a little bit of a choice so to speak. Not that we are baby shoppers by any means as Owen actually came to us with special needs and wasn't on a SN list, but we believed God gave us a child to consider before Owen to open our minds a bit more to what we may or may not be able to handle.
When we considered adopting a little girl before Owen came along, we cried and cried for days before and after we decided not to adopt her. We saw her face, her blonde hair, and her huge bow on her head and knew she was supposed to be our child. We loved this child. We still love this child. When we got her medical info telling us why she was on the special needs list, we went back and forth, knowing with my background (like you) we could take care of her and be good parents for her, but we in the end just felt it would be too much for us to handle, too much for our first child.
I am so so sorry you are going through this. It was the worst part of our whole adoption experience, seeing this child and then saying no to her. When we brought Owen home, we decided if she had not been adopted, we were going to adopt her anyway. Well, our special future friends adopted her shortly after, and they are the family who was meant for her. Actually, i just glanced through your comments and read a few comments up and saw that you'll probably put the pieces together and know who I'm talking about :) Maybe this little girl you've considered will be placed on someone's heart reading this right now and will be adopted too. I will be praying for her and for your peace with this decision. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. We're here for you!
Sending big HUGS,
Im so sorry to hear! I know it was a tough thing to think about. And so hard turning a child away. But Im sure another family will be able to take her. Its so sad to see children like that. Nobody ever wins in that situation! Prays to you and your family
I came to your blog from someone else's as well. You are SO right in knowing what you can handle for your family.
This journey is a very long one, and sometimes the low points are almost more than we can take, but having been home for 3 months now, it was so worth it.
I'm so sorry Joy. Sometimes it's hard to see the good in sad situations. Know that by knowing of this child, she has changed you. That her little life has meaning and though she may not be here long that you have loved her and made her life meaningful. I think that is a very important gift that you gave her. And she will be remembered by you.
Hugs from across the states! You are in my thoughts.
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