Please continue to pray for Adrienne, Jim and Owen during this sad time. The current situation is unchanged and baby Lily is being cared for by her birth mother and extended family. Please continue to pray for the birth family also during this time of need. I am very sad for Adrienne and Jim. I feel very responsible for their pain even though Adrienne has assured me that she does not feel this way at all. I have spent the past couple days praying for guidance and trying to find the positive aspects of this situation.
As some have noted I am in a difficult situation because I know and care for both families. I must face the reality of this situation and continue to pray for the child's well being and all the others who are involved. KT if you are reading this right now I do not blame you. I understand the position you have been put into I am just grieving the choice that has been made. I see where I could one day be in Adrienne and Jim's shoes and I am feeling the pain as if it were me in stead of them. I wish it was me instead of them.
Here are some of my thoughts on Adrienne and Jim and how they handled this situation. We could all learn much from their devotion to God and concern that they have shown for the birth family. During Adrienne's painful time their concern NEVER wavered for Lily or the birth family. She put their well-being above her own pain each time and every time we spoke of this situation.
Anniemac this part is for you! This blog and I am guessing many blogs that bloggers keep have a purpose. For myself this blog is a way to connect with others, educate, journal and share my life experiences, for right now my focus is my adoption but as anyone who has read this blog in the past could tell you there are many other sub-subjects.
I find your comments to Adrienne's situation in very poor taste. I am not "sorry" for this statement and if you are "offended" then you have read the tone of this statement correctly. You have used Adrienne's and my blog as a platform for your personal negative experiences with adoption. These are MY thoughts and not Adrienne's. She is too gracious, loving and Christian to do anything but pray for you! I would not typically respond to a person who comments on my blog in the form of a post but you have not given me any other means (No personal email address or blog) to contact you.
I have a few thoughts and suggestions for you.
1. Start a blog of your own, you may find that writing out your thoughts and feeling are beneficial. You could use your blog to as a place for birth parents to express their thoughts and feeling about their relationship or lack of relationship with their children. In this blog you could talk about your losses and I pray that no one will be as judgemental as you have been towards Adrienne and the many people who have prayed over this situation.
2. You could journal about your feelings about the child you placed. This could be benifical to her later in life to help explain the reasons why she was placed for adoption. Perhaps your relationship when she is older will be stronger because of your blog.
3. You seem to have many unresolved feelings about your personal adoption plan. I feel for you because from what you write it seems that you may not be as comfortable with you adoption plan and level of openness as you say you are.
4. As a birth mother you are a very important to your child. I do not believe there is an adoptive mother in the world who does not believe that the birth mother is important. I also believe that many adoptive mothers try their best to pertray the birth parents in the most positive manner possible because to do otherwise would be to hurt the very child we love the most. You loved her enough to care for her every need for the entire time that you carried her in your womb. I believe that even before your adoption plan was developed the woman who is your child's Mother also prayed for you then and even now whether you know it or not. When an adoption fails to occur this is a real loss for the adoptive parents and they do and should grieve!! Have you ever thought past your own feelings once think about the adoptive mother's feelings, fears and concerns??
5. The point that I think you have missed during this entire situation and I believe your own personal adoption is children are not property. They are placed on this earth for us to love and nurture sometimes with the birth family and sometimes with the adoptive family. We do not own them, not the birth mother nor the adoptive mother.
I know that there may be other birth mothers out there who read this blog and who have personally contacted me with their situations. This post is not meant to hurt you. I think that most adoptive parents would agree with me when I say the birth mother and birth father are never far from our thoughts. I would also like to say that your placement of a child IS a gift and I have never met an adoptive family who thinks any other way. We are thankful for that gift every time we think or even look at our child.
Adoptive mothers are no different then a birth mothers.
1. We worry if our children have had enough to eat.
2. We worry if our children are in a safe environment.
3. We worry if our children are getting enough love and attention.
4. We worry that we are making all the best decisions for our children daily.
As a Christian I am now asking that everyone who has read this post to PLEASE include Anniemac in your prayers. She deserves peace, love and guidance to help her resolve her unresolved feelings. Also please encourage her to start a blog. I would love to read what she is feeling from a birth parents perspective because this could only help me when my adopted child has questions