Saturday, August 21, 2010


In the past year I have been in contact off and on with another woman who is trying to adopt from Anna's region in Russia. I so remember our first phone call very well because it was just hours before I broke my arm last year. Imagine my excitement when she dropped me a note saying that she was going to leave for Cheboksary on today. This week I have felt such a rush of feelings about my final trip over to pick up Anna, talking with her only made it better for me. Please pray for her as she travels half way across the world to hopefully meet her daughter.


Christen L said...

I love hearing these stories. I've been terrible about keeping up with your blog, but I so enjoy reading it.

Frank and I are about to send all of our dossier to Russia. Well, our agency (EAC) is ... :)

If you want to stop by sometime, we're at a new blog now. formerly, Olive You.

Amy said...

If this was facebook, I'd click LIKE in a quick minute! Good luck to your friend -- I hope she's reading!!