Thursday, August 7, 2008

What is White Black and Orange???

***Edited to add photos***

Do you give up!! Dottie is white, black and orange. Yes I totally plan on boring everyone with yet another post about Dottie. Gerard and I have been trying to keep busy and our way of keeping busy is by working on the house. We made the decision that we need a shed. I have convinced him that we are going to have a bunch of outside toys that will need to be stored and there is just not enough space.

SO out into the back yard we go with that cool can of paint that landscapers use to mark things on the grass. See Gerard needs to try on where he thinks that shed will not only look best but that will not interfere with a little boy playing.

Now picture this he is very busy measuring and looking around the yard. I am of course just talking away and trying to confuse him (his words not mine). I turn around to see Dottie laying in the yard then I realize that she is not laying there she is rubbing her face into the wet paint. I call her name Gerard jumps and misses a pile that Dottie left behind as a present for him by about 1 inch. What a funny sight her with a orange face and him dancing across the lawn. Thank goodness for the privacy fence because people would start to think we are not normal.

***Photos to follow. I have been having a problem uploading them to Blogger***

6 comments: said...

Dogs are such a joy to have! If we don't watch, our two eat rocks and dig up my roses. . .But Aidan loves them!

Kevin T. said...

Hi Joy, Dottie is such a cutie! It was great to talk to you. Hopefully soon I will hear news either way and will have less depressing things to post.
I hope to hear good news for you soon!
Have a great weekend!

Amy said...

Oh the toys you will accumulate. When I look in our backyard I smile and think "yep 2 kids own this backyard with 2 more on the way" even bigger smile. Can't wait to see pictures of an orange faced Dottie. Have a great weekend!

Becky and Keith said...

Oh, too cute!! Can't wait to see pictures - you made me giggle at the visual!

Troy and Rachel said...

We all really, really need to see those pictures!! Dogs are wonderful friends!

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