Saturday, August 16, 2008

Good News From My Agency

I am not the type of person who calls my agency all the time. Occasionally I will shoot off an email just to check in and tell them "Don't forget about me!" So any time I get an email from them I instantly think it is good news. With all the unrest in Russia right now I did not have that same feeling.

My agency seems to do things a bit differently. I have no idea where my dossier is registered just that it is in Russia and translated. I am just guessing that the agency waits until there is a spot to register the dossier. I have mixed feelings about this and probably if I had known earlier that this was how they handled it I would have maybe reconsidered.

Well I got 2 emails 2 days ago. The first one was what I expected it was an email that tried to alleviate the concerns that many of us who are waiting are having about the recent military activity in Russia. I have prayed for the ones who have been caught in the cross fire. Yes I am very worried about this situation but I am trying to stay positive.

The second more exciting email was much more fun to read. This email outlined the number of families that have received their referrals or are waiting to travel. I have to say that I have not really connected with any one from my agency with the exception of Jane and Jim. So I have not had a good idea of how many referrals have been accepted or given.

So here are the statistics:
Court Hearings - 9 Total
Children Adopted - 9
0-2 years in age - 4 (2 girls, 2 boys)
2-4 years in age - 4 (1 girl, 3 boys)
4+ - 1 girl

First/Referral Trips - 15 Total
Children Accepted - 19
0-2 years in age - 11 (4 girls, 7 boys)
2-4 years in age - 7 (3 girls, 4 boys)
4+ - 1 boy

Families with referrals and waiting for first trips - 11 Total
Children - 14
0-2 years in age - 2 (1 girl, 1 boy)
2-4 years in age - 3 (2 girls, 1 boy)
4+ - 9 (4 girls, 5 boys)

I think this is very positive and I hope and pray that the agency will continue to email me these statistics because I find it helpful during my wait.


Kevin T. said...

Hi Joy,
This is such good news. It is so good to find out what is going on with the other families from your agency. This is such a positive thing! Hoping for good news to come for you guys soon! Teresa

Troy and Rachel said...

That's great news! I think updates like those are so important and give so much hope that the day is really coming for your referral! said...

Awesome! Is your agency able to give you an idea of how many people are ahead of you? In any case, this is fantastic news for you!

Deb said...

It is very helpful to hear the stats. We received that once during our domestic wait for Isabel and I loved it. Knowing how many children they placed and how many expectant moms they had was wonderful. It was something solid to update family.

That's a lot of waiting families with referrals. That's got to be good news. I notice they have a lot of older children, that's wonderful.