Thursday, August 14, 2008


Do you ever feel that you have procrastinated to the point of panic. Well I am not there yet but I have to say this last class is killing me. I have one more assignment due and I should have worked on it all week but I have to say I just did not want to do it. I have had such a good time this week and the last thing that I have wanted to do is read research articles.

You would think by now I would be able to power through them and just get the facts. However that is not me. I feel like it takes me forever to find the ones I like and then I read them over and over to make sure I have gotten it right. I do find that I am doing everything that I can do to not do the school work.

I have to say I have been so busy. That I have not even had a chance to be a blog lurker. But I know I will get to it. I did find time to throw myself in the ocean on Tuesday. The water was much warmer then it has been all year so I really enjoyed it. I do not think I will ever forget driving to beach, sitting in the sand and talking with both new and old friends.

I vow to not procrastinate anymore until this project is done. I am shooting for it to be completed by tomorrow night because the weekend is suppose to be very nice. I think I will throw myself in the ocean again or talk Gerard into taking out the jet ski.

Sending everyone sunny thoughts!


Anonymous said...

So, I see you are keeping crazy busy while that wait is on! I think Im waiting for a day that i never thought will come. Once that day gets here, I'll be so crazy.

Nancy said...

Just wanted to introduce myself. Out surfing blogs. I also switched agencies (CHI) early this year. Hope all goes well for you and your adoption!

I adopted my son in 9/04. Currently waiting for baby girl. Hoping good news in 2-3 months (it seems it always goes in "another 2-3 months")

Just wanted to send my good wishes & prayers your way!