Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vacation Time is Here!

I have tried my best to save as much vacation time as possible in the past 2 years. I have completely driven my friends at work crazy and this week is no different. I just worked four days in a row so that I could have a week off without having to use any vacation time.

Today is the first day of my vacation. I am hoping to get as much done today as possible so that I can relax and just enjoy the last week of summer here at the shore. I have been waiting for this week for the last month. The weather is suppose to be beautiful but maybe a bit cold for the beach. The weather should be about 70-75 degrees. Who knows I might even take a little road trip.

Gerard laughs at me and says you would need to have 4 weeks off to do all the things that you have on your list. I laugh because he is right.
  1. Clean and organize the whole house
  2. Weed the garden to start to get ready for the Fall
  3. Finish a quilt for the baby that I started oh say 10 years ago
  4. Make Christmas gifts for my family (My attempt to save money
  5. Take a road trip
  6. Go to the beach
  7. Put the closet organizer together for the baby's room
  8. Paint my bathroom
  9. Go to the spa for a facial

I think I might be able to get this all done in a week!

One thing that I do have to start to think about is having my home study updated. It expires in Mid October and I would hate for that to hold me up because you know September is around the corner.


www.adventureswithaidan.org said...

You're very ambitious! But, it is a kind of nesting instinct that has taken over you. . .Make sue you put all of the relaxing things at the end of the week! Have a great time.

Troy and Rachel said...

Clean and organize the house would take me at least a year! i would start with things you can get done quickly so it looks like you got more done!! Have a great vacation.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Vacation time! You have a TON on your list. Rachel had a great idea to start with the things you know you can get done first! Hope you get some time to relax too. Have a great week.