Sunday, October 28, 2007

Things to do with Little Bean # 2

The second most important thing that I would like to do with Little Bean is introduce him or her to the Christian faith. Having a solid belief in Jesus Christ is one are best things that could happen to a person. As a mother I understand the responsibility that I have to my child to make sure that Little Bean is exposed to religious teachings.

I grew up in a family who has always believed in Jesus Christ. As a child I was not brought up in any particular faith. My father was Episcopalian and my mother Catholic. My parents decided early that we (meaning my younger sister and I) would not receive formal religious studies or receive our sacraments until we were old enough to choose which religion we wanted to be a part of. I celebrated the Christian holidays and lived the best way I knew how to as a child into adulthood. I know my mother was always upset that this is what was agreed upon but she kept her word to my father at least that is the way I see it.

As an adult I made the choice to become a Catholic. I think this was a natural choice for me because even though the choice was mine to make. I pretty much only knew the Catholic faith. I remember many years ago when Gerard and I first met he told me 2 things. The first was that he would know if I was the one in about 3 months and the second thing was that if I was the one I needed to receive my sacraments in a Christian faith. This was one of the things I loved about him the minute that he said it. He knew that I wanted to make these sacraments and that it was important to me to raise a family with these beliefs.

So I am proud to say Gerard and I started dating in August of 1990 and I received my sacraments in April of 18, 1992 at Saint Francis of Assisi. My child will receive the same sacraments as I did in the same church as I did. Just the thought of this gives me a warm feeling inside.


1 comment:

Anita said...

Very important to be a Biblical Role Model for Little Bean!