When you think about becoming a Mother there are a number of different milestones that you think of like a first smile, first boo-boo and the first time you are called Mama. When you adopt a child many things run through your mind when you think about being called Mama. Most importantly will she think of me as her Mama so attachment is always on your mind. Anna's speech is delayed which is not a surprise. She starts speech therapy in the home on the Monday after Easter. I am excited to how she is going to advance with the right therapy.
Anna almost right away said Dada and Pawpaw. She points to both of them and clearly states their names. Anna can find them both in pictures and says their names. She has even related bird noises to her Pawpaw who is the best at making them. If she was asked where is Mama she could find me in a picture or in person but did not say my name. I was starting to feel just a small touch of sadness that she did not have a name for me even though I knew it was just a matter of time. I think what made it worst was the look on other's faces when they realized that she did not have a name for me yet.
Last week out of the blue she pointed to me and said Mama. Which after a couple of tries turned into something else but over the past week her speech has grown. I am Mama clear as a bell. One day I guess I will be part of the "That's my name don't wear it out club" but until then I will love to hear it every time she says it with a giggle and even when she says it while crying for me.
School Days - August - December 2024
1 month ago
That is great! How exciting. The first time Colby said Mama I was almost in tears. Now I'm Mommy or even just MOM. They are growing so much.
I guarantee you you will never get tired of hearing it.
Our latest house joke is that when my daughter tries to get my attention she imitates the annoying commercial where the guy repeats several versions of the word mom, non-stop. It is too funny.
Mama is the BEST sound to hear!!
I've evolved into Mommy which I absolutely love...We've waited so long to hear it right?!
this is so reassuring for me to read. it sounds like we are in the exact same boat as you guys!!! we have been home with logan for 6 months now and the only word he says is DADA. he can point me out or look at me when someone asks "where's mommy", but has yet said the words i am SO longing to hear!!! he also starts speech therapy services the thursday after easter, so hopefully things will start moving along and he can communicate with us a little better. anyways, thanks for giving me hope that it will one day come out of the blue :)
I love it! Love that she is growing and becoming all YOURS even though she has bene all this time, but now she KNOWS it! I love your blog with ?!<(@#^(&F Puncuation or not! Spelling or not I will be here to watch you all grow!
Yep -- you *never* tire hearing our little ones call us Mama! Two months ago, Kristina changed to "mommy" since hears the other kids at school calling their moms "mommy".
Congrats - another first!
That so exciting! It took my little guy almost 6 months to say mama as well and it was music to my ears so I can imagine how excited you must be!
Eli says it constantly now, and I never get tired of hearing it! There is nothing sweeter than hearing your little one call you Mama! I know how you must have treasured that moment.
that is so exciting!
Just getting caught up... LOVE the pictures from the beach! Very jealous as it's not yet barefoot weather here!!
Yea! on the "mama"! How cool! And yes, you'll someday say "WHAT"??? (enter exasperated tone here). But for now it's the best isn't it?
Joy -- you can use whatever punctuation you want my dear :) And I'll always leave my name. People who don't like it -- don't have to read it. Sheesh!!
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