Looks like I have yet another mean person commenting on my blog. Once again I am pleased to say "Thank goodness they have chosen me!" I can take it others may not be able handle rude comments. Dear Anonymous I hope your day gets better.
My blog is not formal writing. Do I spend a lot of time on the punctuation or spelling? I have even read a few and thought wow I must have been asleep while writing. I will use you comments to better myself. Please do not feel like you have to read along. Try not to spoil the fun of others. Also feel free to sign your name.
School Days - August - December 2024
1 month ago
do people have nothing better to do with their time than critiqe people's blogs/personal stories??? that's crazy....i enjoy reading your entries and following along your beautiful daughter's journey! your blog was one of the first one's i came across and read religiously as we waited for our son....thanks :)
I am so glad that you don't let the jerks get to ya!! I hate it when the "trolls" get bloggers upset enough to turn off the comments.
I enjoy your posts and your writing style. Sure it may not be the most grammatically correct, but you are articulate enough to get your thoughts across perfectly clear. (Or is it clearly??)
Keep up the very enjoyable writing and the cute photos!!
I love your blog Joy. I think you write very well. Yes, as a teacher I notice the typos but so what. They make the blog you. People really must be insecure of themselves if they need to point out others' mistakes. Ugh!
Oh, and was the comment from the meany spelled correctly with correct grammer, etc? Probably not!
Joy -
I've been reading your blog for quite a while. (Long before you got Anna's referral.) You write beautifully... I love reading, and I am glad that you continue to keep us updated.
Thank you!
I love your blog
So funny that the troll posted such a lame comment! You have a wonderful blog! Don't change a thing! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
Shame on them! Could they do better with the sleep we "new" moms get? Or maybe I should say Lack of Sleep--what's sleep, right? : ) Don't let these folks ever get you down. . .reject negativism, embrace postivism!
God Bless!
Don't take it personally, Joy!! Apparently they are the self-appointed blog police! I love to read your posts....any your daughter is adorable....
Wow, I know that many bloggers struggle with how to respond, or if to respond to mean comments, but this is the PERFECT response. Full of poise and grace. Sorry that you have to deal with this. :-(
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