Sunday, August 28, 2011

Post Irene

Well we made it through the hurricane with minimal damage mostly just landscaping. Gerard's precious trees are a wee bit up rooted. Today he is busy fixing them. None of our houses substained any damage and our boats faired well.

Wayne (La-La and Me-Me's dad) and Jim Dear are home after a long night on the Searcher II. JimDear told us that he had the best seat in the house for the storm. Both the Doris IV, Searcher II and the dock all faired well. When Jim Dear got to the house Anna was very excited and made him sit right down and watch Sleeping Beauty.

Anna was a little confused when everyone said they were staying. She thought they were all going to sleep in our bed with us.

Hans was so excited this morning watching the big bucket trucks parked across the street from his house.

Thank you all for your prayers.


Mary Ann said...

Hooray, Joy. I'm so glad you all are well and the boats are fine.

JennStar said...

Hurricane parties are the best (when everyone stays safe, that is). Living in Florida, we've had our fair share. Glad you guys weathered well!! said...

Thanks be to God you all are safe! We'll pray for Gerards trees now! : )

Laura said...

Glad to hear that you guys are ok. I can't believe how "grown up" Anna is becoming. Gerard will really have to keep an eye on her down the road!!!

Tiger & Kar said...

I totally agree w/ JennStar. Growing up in Florida, I too had my share of hurricane parties!! Glad everyone in your family made it through with minimal damage.

I'm going to send you & Jenn an email about Disney to see if we can get together. I can't believe we have 2 weekends before we leave!!

Janet said...

Glad that you are all okay. Is that a picture of Anna with Gerad? Janet said...


Anna looks amazingly like the young girl with Hans in the second picture down. Obviously you all are family! : )

Melissa said...

Glad you made it through the storm. Thankfully we faired well also. At our house it was like there wasn't even a storm. Lots of rain and wind but no damage. Throughout CT though, lots of power out and still out. School was delayed 3 days! But now back to normal.