Friday, July 18, 2008

Hidden Beauty

Beauty can be found in so many places you just need to keep your eyes open and wait for God to reveal the beauty to you. Did I ever tell you that I begged for a lawn mower last year? Up until last year I had a local teenager who then went to college cutting my grass. I loved him very much not in a weird way but more as an Aunt. He actually started to come to me for advice on certain things and we would talk a bit about life and the choices that you are presented. So anyway I did get the lawn mower and sometimes I miss cabaƱa boy that is his nickname. Honestly, I am scared of gas powered tools. I know that sounds a bit crazy and even crazier to those who are around me because I am not the afraid of much of anything. So cutting the grass is a big deal for me. Not that I do not love to garden I am just scared of the mower and weed waker too come to think about it.

Wow am I off the topic!

I think it is not a secret that I have been a bit stressed but there is an end in sight and I know that. I need to remember that this is not my plan but God's plan. I know that this wait does not remotely compare to what it will feel like when I wait between the 2 trips or maybe 3 trips I am not sure yet. So I was thinking wow this could be so worst then it is right now.

Now here is a funny little explanation about the picture. I wish I could say that I am such a fantastic gardener that I can get anything to grow anywhere but that would not be true. I actually never use my front door. I insisted on a paver walkway and I am lobbying Gerard for a paver driveway, which by the way I am losing terribly. Did I mention he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? He is not that hard to deal with but he has his quirks and I love them all.

The paver walkway is one of his quirks; he has never felt that it looks clean enough and that includes tha day it was installed. I usually just nod my head and tell him that I will fix it but secretly I love the old world look of a worn pathway. He has been telling me about this "weed" for the last 2 weeks and I just keep nodding my head. Well the other day I walked outside and this is what I found. I just love it. I have printed this picture and put it near my desk as an inspiration. Sometimes you just need to follow the path in order to see the beauty at the end.

4 comments: said...

I aboslutely love it when flowers "volunteer" in our brick patio! There have even been a couple of times that I "purposely" planted some seed in between the bricks!

Thank you for always being there. . .I hope to always be there for you as well.

Kevin T. said...

Hi Joy - That is such a special gift! And - I love the last line of your post.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

What a wonderful post! I really enjoy your blog. I hope you hear something soon. You are almost finished with nursing school! Yeah!

Susan said...

I love the message that little weed is teaching you. I'm sure you'll never look at it as just a weed again.