When I thought about adoption I never considered a Domestic adoption. The one thing about an international adoption that was so appealing to me is the finality of the whole process. Yes I understood that I would not have an infant and the little tiny clothes that go along with that part of being a mother that never bothered me and still does not. I am a bit older then most of the people who read my blog and having a child naturally statistically may yield a child that could have far worst problems then if I adopted.
The things about international adoption that I have been worried about are of course the attachment and leaving the baby between trips. I think at some point I would feel a nagging feeling of not knowing the whole story or history of the mother and missing some of those early milestones.
With a Domestic adoption I fear interference by the birth mother or if a law would change that could allow a birth parent to return and take my baby away from me. My biggest fear would be going to the hospital and seeing a beautiful little baby and not knowing that the birth mother had already changed her mind and decided to parent the child herself. I have seen this first hand at my job. It happens and I am torn apart watching these adoptive parents bond and feed a baby I know that they will never get to hold again.
Even though international adoption is an emotional roller coaster it seems less emotionally draining because I will not have contact with the birth parents. Right now I am more detached from their pain and despair.
I know that this may make me sound cold and hard but honestly this is only a defensive measure that I have learned to shield myself from pain. As much as I love being a nurse there are consequences and one of those consequences is doing everything that you can to detach and shield yourself from a situation that is hurtful. If I let my emotions creep into my work lives could be lost. I have seen newborns die. I seen mothers cry a cry that is inconsolable.
So now I am faced with a hard decision. I have been approached by someone who is pregnant and does not want to parent the child. I feel in my heart that I could go through with this adoption because I for some reason have little fear that once the adoption is complete I would not have to worry about her returning but the 'what if' is killing Gerard and I. Gerard's gut feeling to NO! I am not sure what my gut feeling is right now. If I make the decision to adoption domestically then I will delay my Russian adoption. What if I do that and the rug is ripped out from under me. I am just waiting on 'The Call.'
I have spoken to my agency and they are still confident that by October I should hear something. So this is my dilemma. I will have to do a lot of should searching and praying in order to make the decision that I am meant to make.
School Days - August - December 2024
2 months ago
We'll be praying that you find peace in your decision making.
i have been reading your blog for a while and absolutely love it. I am a birthmother and have been living the adoption triangle for nearly 16 years. Even though I am in Australia and the laws are slightly different I am happy to talk to you about any of your fears that you both might be having. It is hard on all sides but if you are able to connect with the Birthmother and she and you work things out it should be ok.
As i said happy to answer any questions that you might have.
Hi Joy, This birthmother definitely saw something in you to approach you with this which is so special, but you must be going through so much to be faced with this decision. I will be praying that you both find peace in whatever you decide. This emotional roller coaster is so scary, but so exciting at the same time.
Warm Wishes...Teresa
I understand the struggle you are going through. We were approached several times throughout our international adoption and had to decide what was best for our family. I have faith that you will do the same.
Wow! What a difficult decision you all have to make. I'll pray for you all that you would have the wisdom to know what is best for your family.
Wow, what a huge decision you have to make. I would find out what my state's adoption laws are and see how much time the birth mother has to change her mind. That would be my big thing and was the #1 reason we went with international adoption. I will pray that you can have clarity on this topic.
On adoption news, I'm sorry your agency is making you wait for so long for a referral. It really stinks. :-(
Joy, this is a very difficult decision - I know you'll make the right one for you and your family.
I felt the same way when we were waiting to send our dossier to Russia about the birth family. I never even gave them any thought.
We had a couple of opportunities shared with us while we were waiting for Russia. They never seemed right and ended up never working out. But it was always hard to make that decision. We would always make sure that we were both in agreement before we would look into any situation.
I'll be thinking of you as you make your decision. Is there anyway that you could keep on the list with Russia while you wait for this to play out. When is she due?
And a legal document is just that LEGAL. Unless I don't know something once the signature is on the paper there is no turning back. But I do understand that fear, it's why we didn't want to do domestic when we first started our adoption.
I'm here if you have any questions.
Joy, OMG, I'm catching up on my blogs and what a week you've had. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to read this sooner. I'm glad you found the peace in your decision. Prayers being sent your way.
Wow Joy! What a surprise to stop in and find this! I'm saying a prayer that you and Gerard will follow your hearts in the right direction.
The other things you mentioned, your feelings about adoption and birth parents, are VERY similar to how I feel about it. I don't think you sound cold at all.
When reading your blog, it sounded just like mine fears and concerns. I really hope your fears and concerns are alleviated and that you will see which way to go.
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