Sunday, June 8, 2008

Better Sweet Weekend

Joy, Aunt Jonna, Jenny

Last week I found out some news that made me a bit sad for the moment. My Aunt Jonna has passed away. She was my Father's who lived in Denmark. Jenny and I visited her in 2002 when we took a tour of Europe. She was 99 years old. The interesting things about her was that she always remembered us. By the time Jenny and I were born she my Father was a bit older. Many thought he would never have children.

Aunt Jonna would come to visit us when she traveled to the Untied States. One time I remember she had packed an entire smoked fish in her suit case for my Father. I am not talking about a small fish either. That thing was HUGE!

Aunt Jonna was like a Grandmother to me. My Father's mother died very young in her thirties and my Grand Father on my Father's side remarried. I only ever met this woman once and never heard from her. She died a couple of years ago. I always found it interesting that even though she was very close to my Aunts she never wanted to have contact with us. Sad she really missed out on a lot of fun. My Aunt Jonna was very sad to hear that she never made an effort to see us, talk to us or even write us.

I come from a blended family. My parents taught us to be accepting of all our family members. The interesting thing is I think this was one way for them to teach how to love my half sisters which is a term that I NEVER remember anyone ever using. They were just my sisters. I am sure that many times they thought that Jenny and I were favored but I can remember thinking the opposite. Interesting the perception of a small child. I do not think my nieces and nephews really understood that we all did not have the same set of parents at least until they were older. The six of us just grew up together because we were sisters.

Of course I think in the back of every adoptive parent's mind you wonder if your child will be accepted. I know that even for me that was a concern. I talked with each of my nieces and nephews separately about the adoption and how we would be the only family that my little one will know. I am not always sure that this has sunk in but I bet it will one day.

Here is one interesting and funny story about when we visited Denmark. Jenny is an extremely picky eater. The pickiest eater I know or will ever know. When I spoke with Aunt Jonna before we left for Denmark she asked me what do we like to eat. Now Jenny will eat chicken and beef and very little else. Me I will try just about anything at least once or twice.

We got to Aunt Jonna's house after a long flight with no food that Jenny or as Aunt Jonna would say Yenny would eat. She was starving. The chicken was cooking in the oven. Aunt Jonna told me that was special for Yenny and I was going to have fish. I say Okay with me. Yenny is drooling at the mouth that is how good this "chicken" smelled. The table is set and Aunt Jonna started to cut the chicken and Yenny is looking over her shoulder and turns to me.

She starts to silently mouth the words "That is not chicken and I am NOT eating that!!!"

At the same time Aunt Jonna says "Oh Yenny I think I got a duck instead?"

Yenny hates duck and fish! We sat down to the table to eat and Yenny is freaking out because it is not polite to refuse to eat so that was not an option.

She looks at both the duck and the fish and tells Aunt Jonna "I know that you have made the duck special for me but just LOVE fish. I do not know what Joy or Yoy was talking about?" So who do think gets the duck yup me. Apparently the fish was excellent. Yenny had seconds.

1 comment:

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Joy - I'm sorry to hear about your loss - and, I loved reading about your very cool Aunt here! Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
