Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm Not the Only Hysterical Woman in My House!!

Dottie's Baby

Let me start out by saying thank you to everyone who sent me kind words after my last post. I think sometime the stress makes me a little edgy. I am much better today I think because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel in this class. I will be done with this class in 2 short weeks.

I have no adoption news to report and I expect that I will not have any to report in the next couple of weeks. From what I understand part of May is a holiday in Russia. I really do not know which part is the holiday. I have only heard that for about 2 weeks in May the MOE closes up shop.

I am planning a 2 week break after this class to catch up on things that I have let go while I was in school. I would love to have everyone over but the house is a mess so not this week. Spring cleaning is on my horizon. Everything will be deep cleaned and I will be able to relax some.

So know on to the title of this post. Some times I feel bad for Gerard because he has Me and Dottie to deal with daily. When I am not being demanding she is even more demanding. This is the first dog that I have owned. We had family pets but that does not seem the same to me. Dottie never any farther then about 3 feet away from me the entire time I am home.

Traveling is difficult because when I am gone for more then 3 days she paces and sits by the door waiting for me. You would think that the minute I walk in from a vacation that she is very happy to see me well NO she is not. I swear she gets mad at me for being gone too long.

I never leave her with anyone that she does not know usually my mom or Gerard's parents. They spoil her but to her it is not the same. This does have me a little worried but I will deal with that when the time comes.

Dottie has a puppy. No not one that I feed but a stuffed one. I could never take care of more then one dog like her. She drags this puppy around the house and even out for a breath of fresh air. But lately she has been taking EVERY where she goes. I guess this is a result of us talking about the baby in front of her. Anytime I start worrying about attachment Gerard just points to Dottie and says "I think you will be just fine."

Here are the latest pictures of the stinker and her baby.


Tiger & Kar said...

I love Dottie's baby! They are so cute together!

I'm really worried about leaving our 4 (2 dogs, 2 cats) when we go back for our court date. Right now we're planning on staying in Moscow through the 10 day wait, which means we'll be away from home for about 3 weeks. I've never been away from my pets that long. Their grandma (hubby's mom) will stay with them which is great, because she spoils them rotten. But I'm going to miss them like crazy. So I can understand you're being a little worried about Dottie.

Jane and Jim said...

Dottie little baby is just adorable, is it from Russia?!

It will all work out, Don't Worry So MUCH!!!!! heehehee, easier said than done!

Kevin T. said...

Hi Joy! I totally understand the feeling of worry about your dog - I am so glad I am not alone. My dog is like my baby, too. She will stay with my parents when we travel and they adore her and she loves them, but I am already so worried about being away from her that long. She follows me all over, too and she is just such a scardee-dog! I am trying really hard to not worry. The pictures of Dottie with her little puppy are sooooo adorable. She is the cutest thing! Oh, and in response to your last comment on my post - That would be so great if we all get our calls to travel in the summer! I feel like it is wishful thinking for me, but I hope you are right and we all get called sooner that we think. That would be so great to travel together! I can't wait to hear the good news for all of us! Take care,Teresa

Unknown said...

She is so cute!!! I also worry about leaving our beloved Simon when we go; but my DH's awsome brother & wife are going to take the 2 boys and Simon so all three will be run ragged by they time we get home I am sure.

Valerie said...

That is SO fascinating! Do you think that she thinks it's her baby? Wow. Adorable!

Becky and Keith said...

I love Dottie's baby! Too cute! :-)

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

That is one of the sweetest things I've ever seen! I wonder if my dogs would like a baby of their own that doesn't yell at them to "SIT! DOWN DOG!" like their 2 year old brother! :)