Sunday, April 13, 2008

Baby Books??

I can not believe that I am only just really starting to think about this now. I the past 10 years I can honestly say that I have critiqued thousands of baby books. When I am in the delivery room part of my job is to foot print the baby. I have to say it has taken me many years to get really good foot prints in a baby book.

I have found myself looking through the books and thinking "I like that one or I hate that one or How come she has not filled any of this out yet?" One constant that I have noticed was that none of these baby books are set up for adoption. In the past couple of years I have also taken care of many children who were being placed for adoption. I have stopped taking these patients until my adoption is complete because I need to stay impartial. You would think that I would have seen at least one book that was geared towards an adoptive family but I have not.

So yesterday I thought I was really smart and I took myself to the local Hallmark store to buy a baby book for me one that focuses on my adoption. I would show you a picture of the one that I bought but I could not find one. Well to make a long story shorter I started to look on the internet for one but I am one of those crazy people that like to touch a book before I buy it. Crazy, crazy, crazy I know but I think this is one of the first times that I have really not felt "normal" because my choice is to adopt.

So today I will try to make a decision and buy a baby book even if I can not touch it first. I want to make sure that the whole book is filled out, no blank spaces or sheets, pictures included. I do not know what I would do without the internet to find these special things that I want for the little one. I am guessing that once the little one comes I will have no time to fill in the book so this task is officially on my list of things to do.


Jane and Jim said...

Good luck finding one and let me know when you do!!!

Deb said...

Check out Barnes n Nobles. Mine always has the adoption baby book. Only 1 version though, I think I've seen 3 different ones online. It's with the parenting/adoption books.

Good luck.

Kevin T. said...

Hi Joy, Wow - I never realized it would be hard to find a baby book on adoption - I haven't looked for one yet! Good luck - I hope you find one! Take care...Teresa

Unknown said...

I have seen Our Family Our Journey and it is nice. Also, Our Chosen Child (not sure I like the name though) and it is nice also. I think we will go with Our Family Our Journey when the time comes.