Monday, February 22, 2010

Big shoes to fill

The girl loves shoes there is no question about that. She is so funny about shoes, hers are usually lined up in her room. For the day she came home she has insisted that Gerard remove his shoes which has been a big undertaking for him. Gerard is not so much a barefoot kind of guy nor will he wear slippers so shoes and yes work boots or hiking style boots, are usually his choice.

The other day I needed to run out to grab the mail, yes I am a barefoot girl no shoes around but typically I would just run a bit faster to the mailbox with barefeet but the 20 or so inches of snow make that near impossible. I threw on his boots...yes that freaks him out so I figure I just have to be fast enough for him to not see me. I was in and out in no time at all thinking my sin of tossing his boots on had gone unnoticed...wrong.

About an hour later out came the boots and in went her feet. We laughed and I confessed. She really does watch every move we make.

7 comments: said...

Be careful with what you say, too. . .she is listening and will let you know at THE MOST INOPERTUNE TIME!!! : ) (dammit)

Melissa said...

Very funny. Your house seems to be quite similar to mine. I hate wearing shoes, Mike always wears his, even his work boots. Yuck! Colby has now taken to wearing mine and Mike's shoes. I should have grabbed a pic yesterday. Colby with his new baseball and glove walking around in my fancy blue heels that i Wore to his Baptism. Too cute!
And yes, I agree. They will remind you of everything you say! (Oh no God!)

Heidi said...

That is precious!! I always thought it was so cute when my kids did that.

ana said...

What a precious picture! She is so cute!

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

I don't know what is cuter, the boots, the naked baby held close to her, or the sunglasses on her head!! Such a doll!!

sunset pines farm said...

Yes-they watch, then repeat(so watch what you do!). Later on they hear, then repeat-so you will watch what you say...
I am a barefoot girl all the way, too. Haven't tried it in the snow. And I am too guilty of slipping on my husband's shoes which are always by the door and also twice the size of my feet.

Jane and Jim said...

Precious picture! Great one for framing!