The winner is...insert drum roll please...Naomi!
I want to thank all of you who pray for the children and families of the world. Naomi I will be emailing you shortly for your address so that I can get the PJs and book out to you tomorrow.
Anna decided that she NEEDED her Papa this afternoon after school. I am so glad that Gerard took her there because she was able to spend some time with her cousin baby JoanMarie as well as decorate their Christmas tree.
Anna is very excited about Christmas this year. I have found that hiding Christmas gifts in the truck of my car is not such a great idea. I had purchased a gift for her and figured out once I got home that I had duplicated the gift. I intended on returning the gift that afternoon but Anna found it first.
Now the stinker keeps looking in the back of my car just to check for "stuff" as she puts it. Her new thing is to ask "Who bought that?" I think Gerard and I will use this question to teach a little bit more about money.
I just finished my class for this semester. What a relief. I do not start up again until after the new year. Three classes down and 12 more to go, which also equals just shy of 4 years, but who is counting? If could be five years after all, right...the glass is half full.
This past weekend I spent so much time with Anna. I had the opportunity to work extra but Gerard told me "She needs you." Anna comes first so I declined the overtime which is a switch for me lately. I love being home in the morning when Anna wakes up. She has been having dreams that she remembers and wants to share with me as soon as her eyes are open. Some of her dreams are funny, some are silly, and some are scary. No matter what type of dream she has she loves to sit on my lap and tell me about it, and I love hearing about them too.
I hope to be able to blog more in the coming days about a bunch of things. Now that my class is over. I also hope to be able to get her Christmas cards completed and in the mail too.
I am so excited about what the new year holds for our family. I have made such progress on our debt that I did not think it was possible. We have cut our expenses dramatically.
Janet who knows what 2012 will bring maybe even a picture of Gerard!
School Days - August - December 2024
1 month ago