In my last post I hinted that we were given some new information about my Mother. Well it seems that because she has had three completely separate types of cancer in addition to both my parent's strong family history of cancer we were referred to a genetiasis so that my Mother can be tested for the presence of the cancer gene as the doctor put it to us.
I have been told that there only two types of cancers which are hereditary to date colon cancer and one type of breast cancer which is not the type of breast cancer that my Mother had. My Mother had dual carcinomia in situ. Here is the tricky part my Father's Mother died at 34 of bilateral breast cancer. When I told my Mother's oncologist this I could see the measure of concern that he had for me and my sisters come across his face.
The conversation went from light hearted to sober in a hot second. What I did not tell him was I have a spot that we have been watching on one of my breast for the past two years. I was not recommended at the time to see a breast surgeon but just to have follow up checks. I am sure that this is all nothing but it makes you wonder? If you could find out if you have a genetic predispostion to a type of cancer would you want to know?
If the gene is there nothing really changes I would continue on with the same screening that I normally would have done. My job now is to officially ask my sisters if they want to be screened. So far I have gotten a solid no from one sister and two "I have to think about" from other sisters. I have two more to ask and then I have to decide for myself. I have wavered back and forth about whether or not I want to be tested. Everytime I think I do not want to know I can picture the doctor's face in my head as he slowly turned around when I was reminding him of our family history and that look of concern.
He is a research oncologist so I have to wonder if he knows more then is published about the relationship of these cancer genes and certain other cancers. I suppose I will take time out of my schedule this week and make a few appointments I have been putting off. I also plan to do a little bit of research about the subject too. I believe there is also new legislation on the topic so that if I do find out and have this gene, I believe I am protected from discrimination.
Which brings me right back to my original question would you want to know if you have the cancer gene?
School Days - August - December 2024
1 month ago
I'm not sure I can answer that one. I'd have to really think about it if a doctor asked me. I can tell you a story about my cousin's wife. Her family has a history of breast cancer and she asked to be tested for that breast cancer gene. She was told she has a VERY high percent possibility of having breast cancer because she does have the gene. She took the radical step, I think, of having a double mastectomy and reconstruction. I don't think that is what I would do. Now she is worried about her two girls. Not sure how old you need to be to be tested. But, if asked right now, I don't think I'd want to know. I would be diligent with doctor visits as I am and go with whatever I have to face. Just my two cents.
I think if you are proactive in your own screenings, then there's no need to be tested. It would only bring about worry and concern that God doesn't want for your heart! He says not to worry about anything, and in our life, it's hard to take that seriously, even without such news like having or not having a gene.
Joy, it is absolutely a personal decision. No one can decide for you, and yes, I know you are not asking that. Just thought I would put that out there. Yes, I would want to know. I think if I knew I would be extra vigilant about screening and precautions. I am now considering my family history. I would want to do that for my son. That's a horrible guilt trip to place on you, so I am sorry for ahving said that. But, I guess I did because I care about you all!
Love and blessings to you all. Now and forever!
as much as it would freak me out, i would probably get tested. I think knowledge is power, and if you didn't have the "cancer gene" then you could rest a little bit easier. if you did have, then i would see it as a chance to make sure that you were getting the most advanced screenings and testings available...
just my opinion though :) you have to do what is best for you !
My sister had breast cancer and the doctor suggested she be tested to see if it was a genetic type. If it had been both me and my other sister were to be tested. I think I would have been however it turned out to be not genetic. I have heard of people who even have masectomys (sp) when they knew so that they could lesson the chance of it later.
Absolutely yes, but I think knowledge is power and proactive. I have been comforted by testing while pregnant (nothing invasive, but still better than knowing nothing) and it was the best feeling/knowledge in the world to me!
Good Luck with your is very individual. My mom's mom had alzhemier's (sp?)and she refuses to get the test done. So there you go!
Yes I would like to know! Reason is I was adopted. So I have no family history and neither does the Dad of my daughter, Also I have grand children. Praying for your Mom and sisters and you as you make choices. Janet
Yes. I agree with the earlier comment -- knowledge is proactive & it gives you the power...
I would want to know.
i did the brca test to find out b/c yes, i do want to know.
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