Sunday, April 1, 2012

How about some pictures?

Today we decided to meet AM (Gerard's sister), Uncle Eddie and baby JoanMarie at the beach for an egg hunt. What a shame that it was overcast and quite chilly. Anna did not mind. Once she saw the beach the shoes came off and she started to dig in the sand to find the eggs.

Anna and Papa

She got to see the Easter bunny after all

Anna says the funniest things. A couple weeks ago we were reading a book about Easter and the Easter bunny. Anna decided that it was time for her to read to me so I let her. It went something like this..."A nude bunny rabbit pooping on the table..." No Anna I am pretty sure that is just his tail.
The second funny thing she said this week was when I asked her about her day at school. She responded with "Nichole had a booger on her sniffer."


Melissa said...

I love the photos. So wish the beach was closer for us. It looks like so much fun.

Rich and Jolynn said...

Awesome pictures!! Love the funny Anna sayings - wish I could go to the beach with y'all.

Happy Easter