Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of Pre-School

Tuesday marked her first day back to what Anna likes to call "Other one school." Anna attended a few weeks of summer preschool but she did not like it at much as her regular preschool so we only sent her a couple of times. When she realized that we were taking her to see her regular teacher and school she was very happy and full of questions. I am still not sure where the summer went this year.

When we got to the door Anna was an old pro, she remembered the lady from last year and they remembered her. This made me more comfortable sending her through the door alone. We could see her walk the entire way to the multi-purpose room where they were all lining up to walk to the class room. Not a single tear was shed, at least by Anna.

This morning was a little bit different. I think she gets a little sad when I work two days in a row therefore taking her to school becomes a little more emotional. Things have been a little crazy in our house the past couple of days (which I will explain tomorrow) with so really wonderful news and some really sad news. Nope we are not adopting again if that is what you were wondering. We could use some prayers for our family for strength and peace. Before I share our news I need to clear it with our family members first.

Anna is talking up a storm these days. She told me all about hugging her teacher and how that made her happy. The she told me about how her teacher told her to "lay down, nap time." Anna also told me that in Mrs. Maloney's class you have to sit like a pretzel which I think is funny because she demonstrated this for me when she got home. I asked does everyone have to sit like that and she told me no just Anna. Hmmm does that mean she was not sitting when asked on the first day. My guess is yes but I know Mrs. Maloney will be consistent and Anna will fall in line with the class rules.

She is getting so grown up. If I could freeze this age for a little bit longer I would because she is so much fun. The count down to Disney is well under way. We have more stickers to place on the calendar and I suppose I should gets some pictures of her doing just that before it is too close and I forget.

Now that we are starting our school time routine I am hoping things are going to feel a little less crazy. The next 2 1/2 weeks are packed with so much I want to make sure that I stop and take time to enjoy them as well.

So here are my pictures of the first day of school 2011. What a difference from last year.


Anonymous said...

She is so cute and grown so much...
Bradyn Lee's grandmother.....

Melissa said...

Again, I just love that outfit. I'm so glad Anna likes school. She will learn so much and just blossom. I do hope everything is ok. Please call or email if you need to chat. I'm busy with work and pre-school but never too busy to chat!

Janet said...

Anna is just so cute in that outfit! I will pray for Y'all. Janet said...

This is wonderful, Joy. If I had to guess, you had tears in your eyes! I know I did last week. . .it's still not easy to watch my baby walk down the hallway, but I guess we have to let them go and spread their wings a bit! Anna is absolutely precious! And, of course, you are always in my prayers...for healing, wellness, love and for happiness. God bless.