Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I know I have been accused of...

eating a lot of cake but last night we had such a good reason. Adrienne & Jim got to take home their little baby boy Bennett. Through her story I feel like so many have found hope whether it was to follow your dream to adopt and chance disappointment or to try to continue to conceive a child. Today will be her first full day home with Bennett. I am sure Adrienne and Jim are exhausted but also the happiest they have ever been.

So yesterday after dinner Gerard, Anna and I celebrated with a cake for Bennett or should I say a cupcake. Anna sang a version of "Happy coming home day to you...Moe" which sound very much like Happy Birthday. For some reason that is what she calls Bennett. I tried to get it on video but the camera was not charged. I realized yesterday that I have never put any video of Anna on the blog so I have another goal for this year.

Before dinner Anna had her bath. I have really been working on the making dinner and eating as a family. I feel like this is a big priority for us this year. I know this sound so crazy but again working the night shift is difficult. It is like making, eating and cleaning up dinner in the morning before you go to work. I imagine that breakfast in other homes is a bit rushed well that is how dinner time is here for us. I guess that is the best way I can explain it.

So Anna had her bath before dinner, which could occur at any point throughout the day, she loves baths. Next it was on to story time with Daddy then dinner. I know this all sounds a little backwards but it worked for us. Today I was able to get pictures of her reading The Three Little Pigs to Gerard. Yes, that is Gerard squeezed into a toddler bed. Anna loves it when he lays in her bed so she can read to him or play with him. Who knows made one day she will actually sleep in that bed.

I love how grown up on some level Anna is becoming. She loves books with detailed pictures. In the past she would scan each picture and point out the neatest things that most may not notice. Anna has been "reading" this book for the past 2 weeks and it is by far one of her favorites. What is different this week is now she will "read" and when I say read she looks at the pictures and says a few words but mimics the inflection of my voice, very much like how I read the book to her. Yesterday she started "reading" the book and stopping to show me the pages just like a teacher would stop to show the class. I think this is way too cute.

We were all asleep by 6 pm again another hazard of working the night shift. Today I have a very busy day planned I hope to get everything done that I have planned in my mind. I am feeling very productive today.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That is great news about Bennett. I was so excited to read it on their blog. I love the pic of Anna reading. It is great that she loves books. Colby does too. Santa brought him the Tag reader with some great books and a U.S. map. He loves doing his "paperwork". Boy are they growing up fast!