It is cold here. Not as cold as it has been but I feel cold today then I have in previous days. I think it has something to do with the snow melting which makes the air very damp feeling or perhaps it is because I choose to never wear a real coat. We played at the park today. Anna loves the park. She alternated with wanting to wear her gloves and not wanting to wear her gloves. I look at her and I am just amazed by the things she wants to do.
One of the Girl Scout programs includes low line zip lining or what Anna refers to as zip locking. At first she thought she would be scared but now she is telling everyone about wanting to go zip locking. I already had it on the calendar so I guess it is good that she decided that she wants to go.
Did I mention she lost another tooth? About a week ago she was at Grammy and Papa's house playing with JM and out came her upper front tooth. I really do need to get a good picture. I love a cute little toothless grin.
So after the park today we went to the hospital where I work to pick up some contrast medium for my sister (Mother of the triplets). She has a hernia that needs to be repaired. She has been putting it off because she hates the idea of another surgery. I can not say that I blame her. The recovery will be difficult because she will not be able to pick up the girls for a few weeks. When we dropping it off Anna decided she wanted to stay. Okay we were all a little shocked because Anna has a hard time with the triplets at times. She jumped right in and started playing with them. I think now that they are moving around she is better able to relate to them. Jillianna (the baby, baby) is trying to stand on her own. They joke that she will be the first one who tries to move out.
My mother is going to Sloan-Kettering tomorrow for her yearly evaluation. I am staying home but that does not mean that I am off the hook I have baby sitting detail. I hope to get some homework done while I am there but lets get honest I would much rather play with the girls if they are up.
I am in the process of completing week # 5 of this semester. This class is only 14 weeks long so I feel like I am making some real progress. No homework is due the next two weeks. Hopefully I take advantage of this little break to work ahead but again lets be honest I probably will not.
Pictures, pictures, pictures...well for some reason I have not taken any recently. I so need to get a few good ones of Anna but did I mention it is cold...really cold here? So now I am off to write a crazy long paper on hypertension and play a little bit of Anna's my little pony game (mostly just collecting the coins so she can play the games) but I did not want to get too far out without writing a little something.
School Days - August - December 2024
1 month ago