Saturday, August 10, 2013

I think we are ready

Last year when we made the decision to let Anna stay in pre-k it was a hard decision.  In my heart and gut I knew she was not ready. In the last month she is really showung signs of being ready for the challenges kindergarten. 

While I was shopping for thi gs for our cruise I walked through the school supplies.  I picked up a book to help Anna with her penmanship.  The book has been sitting in our kitchen since. 

Today we were picking up our house after 2 of the triplets went home. She sat down and started to write her letters on a piece of paper. Anna then told me "Mommy I am working hard because I want to write like a grown up." A piece of me was crushed. You know the piece of me that wants her to stay just the way she is forever.  So sweet and innocent. 

I pulled out the book that I bought and now she is practicing her penmanship all on her own.

1 comment: said...

I know. It just squeezes the heart, doesn't it?? I look at Aidan now and there is really no baby left. He's my baby, of course. But he is all boy now. Which is fine, but I miss the baby Aidan a lot. : ( Anna will be great in school. I know it.