Gerard came home and was looking for dinner. Silly him. I am lucky because for the most part I can pretty much find something for him to eat (Usually). Here is where I fall apart with stress so hold on everyone. At first glance you could say I am doing a great job with the wait and honestly I think I am. I have not cried much just a tear or two because I know she is okay.
It is the little things where I fall short so back to dinner. I have not been grocery shopping since before I left for Russia. I have always been the type that does a couple small trips per week but I have not even been doing that since I have been back. I have only been shopping at the WaWa (like a 7-11). Which by the way is great for my budget, NOT.
Gerard knows that I am stressed so he has been on his best behavior. The poor guy tells me "I will take a tuna melt or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
My response "Okay I have to run to the store to get the peanut butter and the bread be back soon."
Wow I can not believe that I was missing 2 out of the 3 ingredients. Time to shop.
School Days - August - December 2024
2 months ago
Yikes! I can certainly relate. Your husband sounds very supportive like mine. Maybe it will relate into more dinners out. We often didn't feel like cooking and Wendy's and Panara Bread are WAY to close.
I'm totally with you on this!! I try to come up with something 2-3 times a week but when Friday's come (Lent), it's PB&J or scrambled eggs! (Unless he picks us a Filet 'o Fish on the way home...)
Jon has been so supportive while I shop, pack, try to organize, check FRUA, read blogs...everything but cook and clean! I'd like to start learning some quick meals...but then again, I've had almost 15 years of marriage to do that! D'oh!
Hang in there, Joy. :)
This is the hardest part of your wait. . .you'll make it. Hang in there. Go grocery shopping; go shopping for the banana; go shopping for things you now know you'll need on trip 2; start a list of what to take on trip 2; above all, keep busy!! I kept a list of things to do each week (which included grocery shopping) and that helped me immensely! God bless!
Hi Joy,
Hang in there! I am on the computer a little less, so I am catching up with you all a little at a time, but I am still here and praying you get to go back really soon. That was the most adorable thing about her pointing to Mickey!
Looks like she may not want to wait till she's 5!
Hang it there; I know just how you feel. I just went food shopping on Friday night and I was home 3 weeks! We ate out all last week (like that is smart to do when saving for an adoption!)...the stress will be alleviated soon!
That's funny! Two out of the three ingredients of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. LOL!!!
Gerard may have to get used to that....
Yes! Until you get your girl home, you are in "waiting mode". NOTHING else gets done.
I was the exact same way.
She's all you can think about right? You probably sit in your rocker wondering what it will feel like to rock her...
Hang on, girlie, your ride is almost over.
i can relate! my kids have been telling me for a week that there is NOTHING to eat in the house. i caved today and went grocery shopping. i hate to grocery shop. $307 later...
My brain is leading me to weird places today and this reminds me of Chris Tucker's hilarious rant in the movie Friday:
Y'all ain't never got two things that match... Either y'all got Kool-aid but no sugar. Peanut butter, no jelly. Ham, no burger.
I went to the Grocery store yesterday and spent more time looking at baby stuff then getting the staples that where on my list. I forgot 3 - 4 things that we for sure needed and had to go back. It seems even when I make it somewhere I get baby/adoption distracted, hehe. You should see my lists.
Instead of taking a tuna melt or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Gerard should be taking you out to dinner!
Oh Joy . . . . I remember how difficult the wait was on this side of Trip 1! My coordinator here told me something to try to help: that she is in a place she knows and where she feels comfortable and she is with her friends and nannies. It helped me a bit, because I had only thought of her pining away for us . . .
This is truly the worst part of the wait. You can and will make it through. Noone expects you to hold it together all the time!
Thinking of you.........
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