My biggest worry about all the paperwork has been and is the financial statements. I know this must be a shock to many who know me who read this but I worry about money. Probably way more then I need to or should. A lot of years ago after my Father died I almost lost it all. I mean everything. I was so grief striken that I could not see that I needed and must go on living. I was able to do everything but deal with finances.
I do not want to sound overly dramatic but I struggled with his death. There may be a few of you out there that know exactly what I am talking about if you have lost someone that you love. I was very close with my Father. I watched him die day by day even minute by minute at times. He was hospitalized for close to 4 months on the unit that I worked. When it got close to the end some of my friends were scared to give him the pain medications that he was prescribed because they did not want him to die on them so I would step in and give the medications for them. I never wanted them to feel responsible for his death.
Please understand my Father was very ill and in more pain then anyone should ever be in. I did what I had to do as a nurse but more importantly as his daughter. I never regret any of it.
Which brings me to finances. I got a call from the accountant today who is reviewing my finances for the statement that I must provide to the Russian government about my assets and liabilities. She was questioning my gross pay. All I could think is you have to be kidding me. So off to the accountant's office I went. They were looking at one figure and I was looking at another. Once they saw where I got the number from they seemed to be okay with the figure.
They were not counting my contributions to the 401k as part of my salary and I was because that is what the W-2 for 2008 did. I hope that is right and I hope and pray that this is the last question about it because I become a nervous wreck when it comes to finances.
If you could look at my credit report you would laugh because even in today's credit crunch my scores are 799, 810, 799. Which is as close to perfect as I think I will ever get. I am freak about paying things on time. I make up my own spread sheets at the end of the year to see my progress and I think about every purchase I make.
I know that this accountant does not know me well expect I realized today that we had a real estate deal that went sore. I live in a very small town. Great is all I can think. Does she remember me?? I remember her! Will it matter?? What luck I have to find an accountant to fill in this form and it be someone who I have dealt with in the past with not such a positive outcome. I will be a nervous wreck until this paper is signed and in my hot little hand. Let me also go on record to say I wish I had brought that house.
All I can think is that I am an honest person. Of all things I would not lie about something that could keep me from the Little Banana. Especially finances.
School Days - August - December 2024
2 months ago
None of that know the truth and that is that.
I ache for others who have lost a parent...I know your pain. My mother had cancer and I watched her die as well...very painful cancer. I didn't think I would survive either...but I did. I can't imagine having to give the meds...
Back to the accountant:
Don't let anyone steal your joy. Make that decision and remind yourself of it daily if you have to. All this is for your little sweetie and she will be home before you know it!
Greg's wondering what house? and he wants to know all about it. Greg also says not to worry about your finances because he doesn't believe anyone makes spreadsheets and if your one of the few that make spread sheets your on TOP.
I think CPA's are so particular about verifying everything. It can be annoying but in the end it will be OK. Not to worry just show them the details and forget about it. This lady probably deals with so many folks don't worry about the old deal, it's forgotten news.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your Father.
I hope the CPA gets it done lickity split for you so you can quit worrying about this and worry about something new LOL.
I know how it is! Until she's tucked safe in her own bed in your home, you'll be worrying about the adoption. After that, you'll have new worries - that's motherhood ;o)
Your'll be fine with your finances. . .they look at them, but they don't scrutinize them on every line. They just really like to see that you can provide for the child. And, Happy 18 months Little Banana!
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